Chapter 17

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The door opened, and I wasn't prepared for what a got. Nicole looked perfectly fine. Except for one thing. She is fuming with anger.

Luke's P.O.V

I avoided eye contact and fiddled with my fingers. I cleared my throat and finally looked back up at her.

"H-Hi Nicole. I-I was wondering if you're o-okay?" I stuttered.

"I'm perfectly fine. Now, is that all?" She asked rudely.

"Well, you also left after the new song. So...." I trailed off.

She narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "You wanna know what I thought of the song? It was an immature song written by a liar that I trusted."

My eyes widen and I could feel myself growing angry. "I wasn't lying. Nicole, he really is cheating on you. I'm trying to protect you from getting hurt."

"Oh please. You only did it because you have a stupid little crush on me." More like I'm in love with you.

"I do not! You're my best friend. You have been since we were three." I lied.

"Correction. I WAS your best friend." I could feel my heart slowly cracking.

"Nicole, I'm trying to protect you." My voice cracked. I could feel my eyes slowly starting to water.

"No. You're trying to break Bobby and I up so I'll go running to you. Well, news flash, Luke, I don't like you. Never have, never will. All you were was a best friend, and now you're nothing to me." My heart rate picked up and I could feel the pain in my chest. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, but I could somewhat prevent breaking down in front of her. I just have to use the anger that was building up.

"You know what, Nicole? Don't come crying to me when you finally realize Bobby is cheating. Go fuck yourself. Have a good life." I spat at her and left her room. I crawled back through my window and grabbed my phone.

To Cal-Pal, Mike-ro-wave, Smash, Sneaky Bitch, Annoying Chick
Mission Failure. Consequence: I lost my best friend.

I didn't wait for an answer. I just shut my phone and put it on my desk. I quickly changed into pajamas and just crashed on my bed. This time, I did nothing to stop the breakdown.


Nicole's P.O.V

I admit. I wanted so badly to stop him from leaving. I just wanted to hug him and make everything better. It fucking hurt loosing my best friend. But, I can't be friends with someone who wants to break me and Bobby up. I love him. And I'm so tried of trying to convince everyone that I do and that he loves me back.
(A/N more like she's trying to convince herself.)


Luke's P.O.V

My alarm clock went off and I groaned. Where's Nicole? She usually wakes me up? Flashbacks from Saturday night started playing through my head. That's right, I lost my best friend. All day yesterday, I just sat in my room and wrote some music. It's what makes me feel better.

I had also turned my phone back on yesterday to see what the group said. They said everything will be okay but I'm not too sure. They wanted to show Nicole the pictures, but I said don't bother. She'll just think we photoshopped it. They said that what Nicole did was wrong, but I was in the wrong too. I should've just kept quiet or left. I shouldn't have said what I said.

They also warned me that they're still gonna talk to Nic. Which, I don't mind. I wouldn't want to be the reason she lost her friends. So they said I'm gonna have to be civil when she's around, because they're not gonna stop hanging out with her or vice versa with me.

I did my usual morning routine and headed out to school. Ashton said he'd pick me up. He had asked Nic, but she was getting a ride with Booby. Whoops, I meant Bobby. Not.

I got in Ashton's car and he asked how I'm doing. I just said same as yesterday. We drove to school in silence.

When we got to school, guess who had to be hanging out right by the entrance. Nicole with Bobby and his group of friends. This is gonna be a long day.

A/N OMG guys. I started getting ideas on what's gonna happen so I wrote it in a note. I ended up planning the rest of the book. Lucky for you, JS is far from over.

Why you no want character ask?

Have a good whatever time it is.
Peace ✌️

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