Chapter 11

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I finished getting changed and got into bed next to Nicole. She immediately cuddled up into my chest, and I wrapped an arm around her protectively.

"Thank you for helping me Luke."

"No problem, I would do anything for you."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Nicole." You just don't know how much I do...

Luke's P.O.V

"Aww! They look so cute."

"Yeah, but we have school."

"Sucks for them."

"Hey! Pothead and loverboy. WAKE UP!" Someone screamed. Then I felt the bed being jumped on and a pillow hitting me.

"Shut the fuck up. I feel like shit." Nicole groaned. I felt her stir, so I decided to wake up, too.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, as I went to sit up. But Nicole pulled me back down. "Don't move. You're a comfy pillow." She said, as she out her head back on my chest. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arms protectively around her again.

"Come on pothead, we've got school." Maia said, with a smirk plastered on her face. Nicole sat up and glared at her. "First off, that was not my fault. No one informed me of the pot brownies. Second, really Ash? You had to fucking tell them?"

Ashton smiled cheekily at her. "Sorry, but it was a story worth telling."

Nicole got up and walked towards the window. "Where are you going?" Michael asked her. She turned around quickly and looked at him. "To get changed for school?" She then climbed through the window and the group look to me.

"Wait, why are you guys here so early?" I asked, as I finally got out of bed.

"After Ashton dropped you guys off yesterday, he started a group chat and told us what happened. So we decided to come here early to bother you guys." Maia said.

Calum walked over and nudged my shoulder. "So, Lukey boy. Did you get any action?" He asked with a smirk.

I gave him a disgusted look. "No. First off, I only went to the party to get Nicole. Second, if you're talking about with Nicole, I wouldn't take advantage of her. And third, I'M SIXTEEN!"

"Yeah, so? You're never too young to do things. I didn't necessarily mean the frickle frackle. I mean like any sort of sexual action." Calum said, as he leaned against the wall. "You know. Have a girl touch your willy? Give you head?"

I gave him a blank, bored stare. "All of you, get the fuck out. I need to get changed." I then pushed everyone out of my room, and quickly changed. I put on a flannel shirt, some jeans, and black vans. (A/N remember, this is the fringe days, with regular jeans.)

I walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I quickly fixed my fringe and brushed my teeth. I walked out and ran into Jack.

"Hey little bro. What's up?" Jack asked with a smirk and pinched my cheek. I slapped his hand away and went downstairs. "What? No good morning?" Jack called after me.

"Nope!" I called back. As soon as I stepped off the stairs, I realized Nicole was gonna come back through my window. So I walked back upstairs and into my room.

Nicole had just gotten through the window and smiled at me. She was wearing black tights, all black Nikes, and a "YOU COMPLETE MEss" shirt. Wait, that's my shirt.

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