Chapter 8

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A/N double update WHOOP


We continued playing games, and met up with the group again. Everyone was having a good time, but Calum and Ashley were acting strange. What's up with them?

We're now all sat down having dinner at no other than a pizza place. We were all laughing and having a good time, until Nicole's phone buzzed.

She checked it, and looked up with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry guys. I gotta go. Bobby kinda wants to hang out."

Maia sighed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Go running to Booby."

Nicole rolled her eyes and stood up. "Bye guys." She picked up her penguin, then walked away, and we all just watched.

We turned back to look at each, and Cal and Ashley looked pissed. The rest of us gave them skeptical looks.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked, as he shoved another slice into his mouth.

Calum and Ashley turned to each other and back to us. They then spoke in unison. I was pissed, shocked, and at the same time not shocked, by what came out of their mouths.

"Bobby's cheating on Nicole."

Luke's pov

"Yeah, we all saw Bobby with that same girl today. But we need legitimate proof." Said Maia.

Calum pulled out his phone and started taping away. Then he shoved it over to Maia and raised an eyebrow.

"That enough proof?"

"Holy shit." Maia said, with wide eyes.

I reached over and snatched the phone from her. My eyes grew wide and my nose scrunched up in anger.

I passed the phone on to Michael. Once it was out of my hands, I clenched my fists.

"I'm gonna kill him." I said.

After the phone was passed around, everyone was pissed beyond compare. What Ashley said next, made me grow more furious.

"When they were done kissing, Bobby walk over to the bathroom, so I jumped into action. I went over and told the girl they were a really cute couple. Then I asked how long they've been dating. She was really sweet and said three months. The poor girl doesn't even know he's been dating another girl for eight months."

"I'm gonna kill him." I repeated.

"No you're not. We're gonna find a way to tell Nicole." Maia said.

"Why don't we just tell her and show her the pictures." Mikey asked.

"Because Nicole's too caught up in Booby. She'll think we photoshopped the pictures." Maia said.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to figure out how to tell her.

Ashton snapped his fingers and smiled. "I've got it.

"What?!" We all asked in unison.

"We'll write her a song. We have a gig next Saturday and we'll perform it." Ashton said.

"Even better, Luke will write it." Maia said, with a slight smirk on her face.

"What?! Why me?" My eyes grew wide as I started to panic.

"Because, it will mean more coming from her best friend." Calum said.

I pursed my lips and held my breath. They all continued to stare at me. "Fine." I sighed.

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