Chapter 23

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I removed myself from the machine and left the bowling alley. I made my way towards the bus and walked in. I went to my bunk, opened the curtain and grabbed my phone. I quickly shut the curtain, and as I turned to leave, I heard muffled sobs coming from one of the bunks towards the back. And there's only one person that could be.

Nicole's P.O.V (OOOH!)

\A Few Hours Earlier/

We all ate breakfast, and once we finished, Calum washed the dishes. Everyone else stayed put while I went on twitter. I was looking through my timeline, just to see what everyone back home was up to.

The main talk was about prom. This one is the senior prom, not junior. Our school does have a senior and junior prom. I couldn't wait for my junior prom next year. But, now I could.

I admit, I miss Luke. Obviously, we see each other everyday and are practically forced to spend the day together. But, we haven't been talking. And, I obviously know it's partially my fault, but it's his fault too. I don't know if our friendship will ever be the same. And that scares the shit out of me.

As I was scrolling through my timeline, one tweet from yesterday caught my attention. This senior had tweeted a video of her boyfriend asking her to prom. I smiled a little and decided to check out the video.

I quickly put my phone on silent and pressed play. But what I saw, shocked the hell out of me.

Bobby. My Bobby. Asking some senior to his prom. I admit, I didn't expect him to ask me, or go alone just because I couldn't go. But, the fact that this girl he asked, tweeted that he's her boyfriend, shocks me.

Sure enough, the video ended in her nodded her head while crying. Her and Bobby then shared a long, passionate kiss and the video ended.

I stared at my phone in horror. I can't believe it. He has another girlfriend. He cheated. For how long? And Luke was right. He warned me and tried to save me from getting hurt, and I was a bitch to him. Oh, my god. I ruined our thirteen years of friendship for stupid Bobby.

Ashton clapped his his to get our attention, but I just stared at my phone. "What are we going to do today?" Ashton asked.

"How about bowling? We haven't went bowling in awhile." Ashley said.

Everybody said yes, as I continued to stare at my phone.

I got nudged and looked to Maia. "What about you, Nicole?"

Showing no expression what so ever, I responded. "I'm not really feeling well. I'm gonna stay on the bus."

"You sure?" Ashley asked.

I just nodded in response.

"Do you want us to bring you some medicine or anything?" Ashely asked, with concern written on her face.

"No, it's okay. Go, have fun guys." With that, I got up and walked to my bunk.

|Present Time|

Luke's P.O.V

I walked to Nicole's bunk and slowly opened the curtain. When I did, my heart shattered.

There she was. The most beautiful girl, lying there, sobbing her heart out. She was facing the wall, and hadn't notice my presence yet.

"Nic, are you okay?" I asked gently, purposely using her nickname.

She quickly flipped over and wiped her eyes. "Yeah." Her voice cracked and she quickly cleared her throat. "I'm fine." She said, trying to sound annoyed. But I saw right through her lie. Her eyes told everything. She was heartbroken. Bobby had done something.

I smiled sadly at her. "I know you better than anyone. Most likely better than yourself. Don't lie to me."

Immiediately, the tears flowed from her eyes and sobs poured out of my mouth.

"Luke, I'm so sorry! You were right. Bobby cheated. He asked his other girlfriend to his prom. I can't believe I didn't believe you. I'm so stupid. I'm such a bitch. I ruined our friendship. Oh, my god. I'm so sorry." She rambled, and started breathing heavily from lack of air.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." I quickly hopped in her bunk and pulled her into my chest. I rubbed her back soothingly, and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

Once she calmed down, I pulled away slightly and looked her in the eye. I gently placed hands on her cheeks and wiped away her tears.

"Don't cry. He doesn't deserve your tears. Your too pretty to cry." I whispered. Okay, so I didn't mean to say that last part. It just came out.

She sniffled and stared at me. "Luke, I'm so sorry. I should've believed you. I've known you for how long and yet I left you in an instant for some stupid guy. Could you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

I smiled and softly laughed. "Of course, Nic. You're my best friend. You'll always be my best friend. Through thick and thin."

It was at that moment, I realized something so important. My best friend, was having her first real heartbreak. I love her, I have to be there for her. She means the world to me. She is my world. And I have to fix her heart. And one more thing I realized? When we get home from tour, I'm gonna kick Bobby's arse.

Word Count: 897 words

A/N HALLELUJAH!! They are over!! And Luke at the end though! xD

And just to let you guys know, JS is coming to an end. I'm gonna (hopefully) write the next chapters and finish up the book. Then in the next update, I can tell you guys exactly how many chapters are left.

How do you guys feel about this? And what do you think is gonna happen now?

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😄

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