Chapter 7

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We all agreed and quickly made our way over. As we were now trying to figure out what ride or game to do first, I glanced to my left and saw him. Bobby and that girl. It was then I knew this day wasn't gonna end well...

Luke's pov

I turned my attention away from Bobby, and turned back to the group.
They were still arguing about what to do first. But now, they at least narrowed it down to rides first.

"Let's go on a roller coaster first." Mikey stated.

"No, the swings." Ashley countered.

"No, the haunted house." Maia said.

"I like Maia's idea." Ashton said.

"I like Ashley's idea." Cal said.

"You know what, bye." Then Michael walked off towards the roller coasters.

"Fine, let's go Ashley." Cal said, and grabbed Ashley's hand. She blushed and they proceeded to skip away.

Ashton and Maia went their way, without saying a word. Nicole and I turned to each other and she smiled.
"And then there were two."

"What ride do you want to go on first? Unless you want to play a game then we could. I mean it's up to you. I really don't care." I rambled. I felt my cheeks heat up when she started giggling.

"Come on sweet cheeks. Let's go." My cheeks are now a deep crimson color. Nicole then grabbed my hand and the tingling feeling started. I couldn't help but think, 'Does she feel it too?'

Our fingers are intertwined as we walk towards the Ferris wheel. It's moments like these that I can't help but think, 'This is how it ought to be, if she felt the same about me.'

We got in line, which lucky for us, isn't too long. And it's moving quickly, too.


Nicole turned to me and smiled. She tugged me with our still connected hands.

We got into our seats and put our seat belts on. The ride started to move slowly.

The ride slowly came to a stop at the top. We could look over the whole park and beach.

"This is such a pretty view." Nicole gushed.

"Yeah." Not as pretty as you.

She turned to me and smiled. "Let's talk."

"Okay, about what?"

"When you gonna get a girlfriend." My eyes widened at her statement.

"Uh...I don't know."

"Do you have your eyes on any special ladies?" She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"I-uh-" I stuttered, and rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Oh my god! You do! Who is she?"


"Okay, since you don't want to answer that, why don't you ask her out?"

"She doesn't like me like that."

"How do you know?"

"Because what girl would like me." I blurted out. Then I slapped my hand to my mouth, instantly regretting my answer.

Nicole's face fell and she gave me a look of sympathy. She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around me. I instantly responded and put my arms around her.

"Luke, any girl would be lucky to have you. You're an amazing guy."

"She'll never see me like I see her. I'll always be just a friend to her."

"You just have to send her some helpful hints."

"That's the thing. I have. She just takes them in a friendly manner."

"So just take a chance, and ask her out."

"I can't."


"She has a boyfriend."

"Aw, Luke. Stay close to her. If her and her boyfriend break up, be there for her. She'll see how amazing you are, and maybe realize she should've been with you all along."

"Thanks Nic. I really appreciate it."

"No problem, Lukey."

She gave me a squeeze and we sat in silence for the rest of the ride. I was enjoying just having her in my arms. It felt like it was just the two of us. No worries.

I started to think about how Nicole had given me advice on herself. She had no idea I was talking about her. And she probably never will...


We enjoyed the rest of the ride. We went on a few more, then played games. At one game, I won her this cute, giant penguin.

We continued playing games, and met up with the group again. Everyone was having a good time, but Calum and Ashley were acting strange. What's up with them?

We're now all sat down having dinner at no other than a pizza place. We were all laughing and having a good time, until Nicole's phone buzzed.

She checked it, and looked up with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry guys. I gotta go. Bobby kinda wants to hang out."

Maia sighed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Go running to Booby."

Nicole rolled her eyes and stood up. "Bye guys." She picked up her penguin, then walked away, and we all just watched.

We turned back to look at each, and Cal and Ashley looked pissed. The rest of us gave them skeptical looks.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked, as he shoved another slice into his mouth.

Calum and Ashley turned to each other and back to us. They then spoke in unison. I was pissed, shocked, and at the same time not shocked, by what came out of their mouths.

"Bobby's cheating on Nicole."

A/N 😱 THE TRUTH HAS BEEN REVEALED!! Sorry, I feel like this chapter was kind of shit.

What do you think is gonna happen next chapter?

Have a good whatever time it is.
Bye 😄

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