Chapter 3

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The thought that came to my mind was 'I could be the one to make you happy'. I just sighed and retuned to my lunch. I didn't say a word for the rest of the time.

Luke's pov

The rest of the day dragged on. After school, I got to my locker and lucky for me, only Nicole was at her locker. That could mean one of two things.

1) He went to her locker already so I don't have to deal with the couple.

2) He hasn't shown up yet and I'll not only have to deal with the couple when he arrives, but also my best friend worrying before that.

I got to my locker and punched in the combo. Nicole shut her locker and turned to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her smiling really big at me. I couldn't help but smile and turn to her. Her smile is so infectious, and beautiful.

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, but not removing the smile on my face.

"You love me right?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. Nicole and I always said we love each other. In a friendly way, or at least she did. Mine meant so much more. She's just too oblivious to notice.

"Of course. What do you want?" I asked and chuckled. Whenever she asked that, it meant she wanted something.

"I have a date tonight. Would you help me get ready like usual?" I mentally sighed. This was the hardest thing for me to do. I can never say no to Nicole, so I always help her. I help her get ready for a date with another guy. When I'm madly in love with her. Wait, what? I thought this was just a crush. I'm confusing myself.

"Luke? Lucifer!" She said, while snapping her fingers in front of my face. She then smiled sweetly at me and said, "If you can't, it's alright."

"Of course I will! Anything for my bestie." I said, nudging her lightly.

"Oh god. You did not just say bestie."

"Oh, but I did."

There is only one good thing that comes out of helping her. I always end up seeing Bobby before they leave. Sounds weird right? Like how would that be a good thing? Well, Bobby gets jealous. He hides it from Nicole, but makes it clear to me he doesn't like how close we are. I think he might suspect I like her. I'm not sure. But I am sure he's afraid I'm gonna steal her away, and mess up his little game. I just have to figure out what that game is.

"Wanna hang until I have to get ready?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sure. Your house right?" I asked for clarity.

"Of course Lucas, unless you own dresses. And if you do, are you trying to tell me something?" She raised an eyebrow, and kept nudging me jokingly.

"Actually I do. There are like two dresses in my closet." I said, being dead serious. She laughed thinking I was kidding, but stopped when she saw my straight face.

"Wait, seriously?" Nicole asked looking shocked.

"Yeah, from different occasions where you left them. A couple times from when you stayed over and borrowed my clothes to sleep in. You had left the dresses and I always forget to tell you." I said, and we finally started heading towards the doors to go outside.

"Oh that's right. I had too much fun with you and just forgot them. I'm so silly." She chuckled at herself. But my cheeks grew a slight pink tint to them, and my heart fluttered.

We got outside and saw the boys with the girls. So we headed over and everyone greeted us.

"Hey look, it's the happy couple." Maia said smirking. Heat, yet again, rose to my cheeks. Nicole played along and said, "Really? Where?" And started looking around playfully.

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