Chapter 1 | Practice makes Perfect

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You lightsaber is single bladed and blue. You will be referred  to by (y/n) (l/n).  Your robes are a tan color but can be arranged in any way you want. This story takes place just before Season 2 Episode 20

Your eyes slowly open, you start to rub them a bit. You could have sworn that you heard a loud thud outside. You stretch your arms and yawn. "What harm could come from checking it out." You say to yourself. You pull the covers off of your body and stand up. You yawn again and walk towards the control panel. "OW!" Says a familiar voice. "Ahsoka?" you think. You press the unlock button for you door and it opens with a quick hiss. You run to the door next to you and knock.  

"Ahsoka, do you need help?" You ask. "Yeah (y/n), I need help lifting something, the doors unlocked." She said. You pressed a button, and the door flew open. You look in the room and see Ahsoka struggling to lift a huge box into a upper compartment. You walk over and start helping. "Damn, this thing is heavy, what is inside this box?" You ask "Hmgh, it is filled with a bunch of spare parts for The Twilight." 

"Should. We. Just. Use. The, Force?" You asked while struggling to lift the bag. "That's probably a good idea. She said, while panting. you both easily lifted the box and put it in its compartment. "That piece of junk can barley fly, it would be so much easier if he just got me a new ship."  Ahsoka said petulantly. "I'm sure that Anakin knows what he is doing, Ahsoka." You reassure her. "Well thanks for the help (y/n), you are a great friend." She thanks "No problem." You answer.

You walk back to your room much sweatier and tired than before. You open your door and walk over to your kitchen. You pour your cereal and start eating. You think about what lesson Master Kenobi will go over today, if you will be able to spar Anakin. You lost badly the last time you fought him. I bet I could train with Ahsoka, I have never fought a dual welder before. Thinking about Ahsoka makes your mind drift off. You think of her beautiful blue eyes, her perfect curves, her angelic voice, and her compassion. "No, snap out of it (y/n), you aren't supposed to have those thoughts." Shouted one part of your brain. "But what if I don't want to stop thinking about her?" Asked the rebellious part of your brain. "You'll get kicked out of the order." The first side pointed out. The rebellious part flashed one more picture of Ahsoka in defiance, and then went silent.

You finished your cereal and put your robes on and walked to the training center. You were the first one there, so you went over to the training helmets and grabbed one. Then you walked over to the droids and set them to blast on the highest difficulty. You put the helmet on, ignited your lightsaber, and waited for the droids to start shooting. There were fifteen droids, and all of them  fired at random. You moved your lightsaber quickly to deflect the shots and, even though you were blinded by your helmet, you could still see everything that was happening through the force.

It had been a while until you could block with one had, you had needed two, but Obi Wan was persistent that you use one hand, and eventually, you could block even better with one hand than you could with two. You practiced for about an hour until you heard "Your up early." "Hello Master Kenobi." You said, still blocking blaster fire. "(y/n)I have brought Anakin and his Padawan  for you to train with." Obi Wan said. "I'm coming for you Anakin!" You joked. Anakin laughed "I would like to see you try." He replied

"Well Padawan (y/n), if you are to rematch Anakin (y/n), you need to turn the droids off first." Obi Wan observed. "Oh, right." You had still ben blocking blaster fire while talking to them. You reached out and turned them off with the force. you put your helmet back on the rack and sheathed your lightsaber. "Here, catch!" Ahsoka shouts, throwing a training lightsaber to you. You catch it and stand somewhat sideways, and with you're arm behind you, holding up the saber vertically. You ignited your blade. "Who's gonna be the first to fall?" You ask jokingly. "I'll go." Ahsoka volunteers, igniting her two blue training blades.

"No force grabs or pushes, first to three, GO!" Obi Wan Shouts. You stand in a defensive position, waiting for Ahsoka's first move. She lunged at you you blocked her first blade and dodged the second one. You then charged at her, aiming a strike to her left hand. Ahsoka just barley blocks it, and before she could counter attack, you swing her blade at her hip, connecting. "One point to (y/n)!" Anakin shouts. observing the two combatants. Ahsoka walks to the end of the arena, and waits to start. "Go!" Says Obi Wan.

You are hypnotized by Ahsoka's elegant strikes, you can feel yourself getting backed up to the wall. You then jump over her and swing at her back, but her right lightsaber blocked it. She traps your lightsaber, and swings her second blade right at your stomach, and before you could free your saber, you feel contact right in the side of your ribcage. "One, one!" Shouts Anakin. "Good job." You tell Ahsoka. "Thanks, I always knew having two lightsabers was a good idea." She responded.

"Go!' you hear Obi Wan shouts. You had started to get a feel of Ahsoka's fighting style and this fight lasted much longer than it normally had. "Block, count strike, swing." You think. Your Lightsabers met at the same time and locked into a shoving match. You turn off your lightsaber, toss it to your other hand, and before Ahsoka realizes what is going on, you ignite your saber on her neck.

"Two, one." Anakin says. You continue fighting for a while until Ahsoka gets the final blow at your leg. "Two, three, Ahsoka wins." Anakin says. "Man, I got to get a hang of two lightsabers, Ahsoka." You tell her. "I would love to practice with you more. (y/n), I bet I could convince Anakin to let us have private lessons." Ahsoka suggests. "That would be nice." You say. "Good job, both of you, now get some water and rest for a bit, we will continue our training, once you are ready." Obi Wan instructs. "Yes Master Kenobi." You and Ahsoka say simultaneously.

Next, you and Obi wan fight against Anakin and Ahsoka. You get some good swings in on Anakin, but he always blocked your swings just in the nick of time. So you switch over to Ahsoka, and she swung in very quick and precise strikes. You look over and see the training droids holding center. You jump on top of it. "Ha Ahsoka, I got the high ground!" You shout triumphantly. Ahsoka rolled her eyes and jumped up in attack. You swing and hit her squarely in the chest. "Hey, you cheated, you aren't supposed to have high ground!" Ahsoka complains. "Tell that to Obi Wan!" You shout, running to Anakin and swinging. "Hey Snips, I could use some help here!" Anakin shouts to Ahsoka. "Sorry I cant, (y/n) got the high ground." She grumbled. Obi Wan chuckled. "High ground?" Anakin asks. You take advantage of his confusion and hit his lightsaber arm.

"Ahh, victory." You taunt at Ahsoka later, sitting down on a bench. "Shut up." She commanded, but you could tell she was holding back a smile. "What is it?" You ask her. "You are so stupidly funny, (y/n)." She says. "Well, that's, why I'm here." You joke. Ahsoka giggles. "Come on, lets go practice, I cant stay mad at you." Ahsoka says, standing up. You walk to the arena again. "I going to get you this time." You say. "Good luck." Ahsoka says. "Won't need it." You joke.

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