Chapter 2 | Soka

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Obi Wan POV

"They seem to be very evenly matched, even without using the force, my friend." Anakin looked on at his Padawan and (y/n). "You are right, even if Ahsoka is on the defensive, they seem to know what move the other is going to do next." Anakin observed. "You are correct Anakin, I think they could be of some help on your next mission." I suggested. "That can be arranged, however, I will be on a ship with Master Windu, I do not think they can be of any help there Obi Wan." He said.

(y/n) POV

You have been clashing with Ahsoka for hours with both of you not making much progress on the other. Your robes are drenched with sweat, and Ahsoka's face is pouring as well. You and Ahsoka both swing and meet at the same time. You push harder, but you can feel yourself slipping. "Oh no." You think. You fall onto Ahsoka, knocking her down with you.

"You lay on the ground next to each other, panting and to exhausted to go on. "Lets call it a draw." You propose. "Yeah, a draw." She responds. "You two have fought hard, you are both dismissed." Obi Wan says, standing over you. "I have never seen such fatigue from training before, you two are very determined." Anakin complemented "Thank you Master." "Thank you Anakin." You and Ahsoka say simultaneously.

"You know, I never liked the blue training blades, their just not my color." Ahsoka complains, while walking down a hallway. "Hey, my lightsabers blue, and so are your eyes." You stop "Why did I point out her, beautiful, gorgeous blue eyes. No stop it (y/n), she will think your weird for talking about her eyes." Ahsoka gives you a tired look. "Why do you point out my eyes, (y/n)?" She asks. "W-well, they are a nice shade of blue, a-and they look good on you." You stammer. "Well thank you, it is nice that people like my eyes." She smiled. "I am surprised nobody ever said anything about your eyes, Soka." Your heart stops.

"Please don't notice I called you "Soka" Please, please, please." You pray. Ahsoka giggled. "You sound like Master Plo Koon, (y/n)." She said. You smiled and didn't say anything. "Dodged a blaster bolt there, thank you master Plo." You thought. "Well, I will be heading back to my room, thank you for the practice (y/n)." She said while walking of to her room. You couldn't help but watch her strut down the hallway and go into her room.

You walk into your room and grab the thick book that you have been reading for the past month. "Ways of the Old Republic and Jedi." You had just gotten past chapter seventy two a day ago. "Not much of a page turner." You say to yourself. You had gotten past most of the interesting parts, and now you were just reading boring quotes about peace. "I should probably get a more exciting book." You thought to yourself.

Later that evening you go to the Jedi library to get a new book. You gaze at the huge shelfs and the thousands of books that are present on each shelf. You decide to go to the Jedi section and look through the covers until something peaks your interest. You stride past books such as: "The Will of the Force" and "The Lessons of The Past". You stop and pull out a book titled "The Ways of The Jedi and The Force." You take it and sit down at a table in the center of the room.

"(y/n), you always seem to find your way back to a library." Obi Wan chuckles. "Master Shaak Ti would bring me here and tell me stories when I was young." You remember. "It is unfortunate she must be away to train the clones." Obi Wan says, expressing sympathy for you in his voice. "Well, my Master is doing a good job, after all, we have the best army in the galaxy!" You say. Obi Wan sits down and smiles. "An army is only as good as its leaders." Obi Wan wisely stated. You smile.

So how is Anakin?" You ask. "He is with Master Windu on a mission in deep space." Obi Wan answers. "You know, there is something I want to show you, follow me (y/n)." Obi Wan instructs. You wonder what he could be talking about. He knocks on Ahsoka's door. "Hello Ahsoka, I have a present for you." Obi Wan said. "Coming!" Ahsoka answers, muffled from the door. When she came outside, Obi Wan guided them to the hanger.

"Wow." Ahsoka said in awe. She ran over to an orange starfighter, with the same markings as on her face. "Its brand new!" Ahsoka exclaimed, running her hand over the clean paint. "How long did it take to convince Anakin?" You ask. "Oh, there's one for you too." He said, pointing at a starfighter that was painted (f/c). You examine the starfighter. "This is the new Eta-2 model, isn't it?" You ask. Obi Wan nods. "Oh, and do take care, Anakin specifically requested it." Obi Wan joked. "Can I take her for a spin?" Ahsoka asks. "Yes, you may." Obi Wan smiles leaving the hanger.

"Wait until Rex finds out about this." Ahsoka remarks. You climb into the cockpit of your new starfighter. You have flown a ship before, but nothing this fast and agile. You put on an earpiece and talk into it. "You know Ahsoka, we should probably get an R2 unit." You point out. "Oh right, forgot about that." She replies.

A few minutes later you get a two Astromech droids, R-45 and R2-15.You climb back into the cockpit, put your earpiece on and reach for the controls. You grab the control sticks and start up the engines. "Ahsoka, you and R-45 go first." You say. "Copy." Ahsoka responds. Her fighter lifts of the ground and she starts flying. You copy her and follow her to the top of the Jedi temple.

At first the controls are quite foreign to you, but you soon get used to the new feeling of flying at five hundred miles per hour. "What's it like (y/n)?" Ahsoka asks. "Fast." You reply. Ahsoka laughs "We are only at one third speed." You laugh as well. "It gets faster than this?" You ask, slightly joking and slightly serious. You continue to fly for a few more minutes. "You know Soka, I could get used to this." You say. "Same (y/n), same." Ahsoka agreed "Damn it, I did it again!" 

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