Chapter 5 | Lethal Trackdown

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You wake up with a yawn and stare, hypnotized by her soft breathing.  You could watch her sleeping in your arms all day and never get bored.  You knew that unfortunately, Ahsoka would need to wake up.  "Soka." you whisper, rubbing her montrail. "Sooooka, wake up." you said, a little louder this time.  Ahsoka's eyes fluttered open. "Whaaaat?"  she groggily complained. "We cant stay in bed like this all day."  you observed. "A few more minutes with you?"  Ahsoka begs.  You sigh. "Fine."  you agree.

Ahsoka kisses you on the lips. "You are so adorable when you get all huffy." Ahsoka states. You kiss her back. "Your adorable when you get all lovey."  you reply, rubbing Ahsoka's back. You and Ahsoka stay like this for a while, until you get up to get dressed. Ahsoka gets up as well, still complaining, and gets dressed with you.  You exchange a quick kiss, and Ahsoka leaves for her room.

Even though she spent the night with you, you still couldn't stop thinking about Ahsoka's perfect face, her curves, and her eyes, her wonderful, blue eyes. Everything about Ahsoka was perfect. You continued do daydream about Ahsoka, until a knock on your door snapped you back to realty. "Padawan (y/n)." it was Master Plo. Your stomach plummeted. "Has he already found out?"  you ask, thinking about ways to get Ahsoka out of trouble.

You open the door and Ahsoka stood next to him, looking worried, but not distressed. "Padawan (y/n), the bounty hunter have taken hostages, we need to inform Master Windu."  Plo briefed. "Yes Master."  you respond, walking with Plo Koon. You make your way to the medical center where Anakin and Master Windu were being treated for their injuries. 

Master Plo walked into the center, followed by you and Ahsoka. "We have a situation, we received a transmission from the bounty hunters. They apparently took hostages" Master Plo said walking over to the holotransmitter.

"Mace Windu, you were lucky to escape. Your friends here were not so fortunate."  said a child, holding a gun to the head of a clone. "Until you face Boba, these men will be killed, one at a time."  said another bounty hunter.  "What's your name?"  she asks a clone. He doesn't respond. "Name."  the female bounty hunter commands, kicking the clone.

"CT 4-11."  he says wearily. "Pathetic. Boba, do it."  the other hunter says.  You observe Boba hesitating, and lowering his blaster. The female hunter shoots the clone anyways.  Anakin closes his eyes in pity for a moment "That was Ponds."  he said with sorrow. "Only two to go, Windu. Come and find us, we'll be waiting."  the femele hunter taunts.

"I'll go." Master Windu volunteers. " I thought you had bigger concerns." Anakin sarcastically remarked. "You are too injured to travel, and your presence would only aggravate the boy. shall go, and take Padawan Tano and (y/n) with me." Master Plo said.

"Master Plo, I don't understand, shouldn't we be heading for the last place we knew Boba Fett was spotted?" you ask Master Plo.  "Why head to the one place we know he is not?"  Master Plo asks rhetorically.  "The second bounty hunter in the hologram is Aurra Sing."  Master Plo said. "Another bounty hunter, like his father, Jango Fett."  Ahsoka observes. "Mmm. Yes, it seems this boy found himself in the care of at least one of Jango's associates."

"So we're looking for friends of Jango Fett, or places where they hang out?"  you ask. And to do that, we must go to the lower levels. The underworld.  You see a large clindercal hole that seemed to go down on forever.  "Wow." you think.

"Move along. Move along."  said an automated droid. "Move along. Move along."  the female droid monotoned. The data on Jango Fett suggested he frequented this area. We must be cautious. "  Master Plo warned.  "This is the fifth scum-bucket drinking hole we've been to."  Ahsoka complained.

Yes. And this time, try to be more subtle.  "What do you mean?"  You ask, defending Ahsoka. "She has adopted many of her master's ways, including a lack of subtlety."  Master Plo stated. "Sorry, Master Plo."  Ahsoka apologized.  "Just try to blend in. Listen you may be surprised what people reveal when they have been drinking."  he said. 

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