Chapter 13 | Jedi Hunter

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You woke up to a sleeping Ahsoka cuddling into your chest.  She was so adorable, even when she was asleep.  Her chest pressed up against yours as she breathed out, and then retracted as she took air in.  You felt sad that you had to wake her up, but you knew you had so you could get to training on time.  "Wake up beautiful."  you whispered, tracing her face patters with your hands.  Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched her arms.  "You know (y/n), I was never a heavy sleeper until I started sleeping with you."  she said through a yawn.  You give her a quick kiss and got out of bed.  Ahsoka followed you and stretched her arms over her head again.  "How can she be so beautiful when she does anything."  you thought dreamily.

You were about to ask her is she wanted breakfast when you heard a knock on your door.  "Who is it?"  you asked.  "Obi Wan."  he answered.  "Quick, sit at the table."  you whispered to Ahsoka.  She quickly jogged to the glass table and sat in a chair.  You pressed a button and the door slid open with a quick hiss.  "Good morning (y/n), we have training in an hour."  Obi Wan informed, walking into your room and sitting down at the table with Ahsoka.  You sat across from Ahsoka as to not lead to any suspicion.  "Anything interesting happen while we were gone?"  you asked.  "Not much, the only thing you really missed was Anakin walking back and forth muttering Ahsoka's name."  Obi Wan chuckled.  "Well, I suppose we should get some breakfast."  Ahsoka said.  "Here!"  you said, tossing a piece of toast onto her plate and grabbing another for yourself.

You grabbed your robes and put them on and tossed Ahsoka her cloths with the force on her lap, knocking her toast out of her hand.  "Thanks."  she said sarcastically, picking up her toast off the ground.  "Sorry."  you replied.  "You two seem to get along."  Obi Wan joked.  "Most of the time."  Ahsoka said, rolling her eyes.  "Well, I should be...wait, why do you have Ahsoka's clothes (y/n)!"  Obi Wan shouted.  "I washed them last night in my room since her washing machine wasn't working."  you quickly lied.  Obi Wan looked convinced, but still slightly suspicious.  "I see, well I hope you get it to work Ahsoka."  Obi Wan said, leaving your room.  Once you were sure he was out of earshot you turned around to Ahsoka.  

"That was close."  you remarked.  Ahsoka smiled and gave you a quick kiss. "You are so stupid sometimes but cover it up with your quick thinking."  she sighed. "I think we should get dressed, we do not want to keep Anakin waiting."  Ahsoka warned, sliding her gloves on.  You waited for her to finish getting dressed and ran off to the training center.  Halfway there, you were met by Master Windu.  "Padawans!  What did I tell you about running in the halls?"  he asked.  "Sorry."  you both apologized.  " Thank you."  he said.  You and Ahsoka started to walk to the training center when you were stopped again.  "Were we walking to fast?"  you whispered to Ahsoka, causing her to giggle.  "You and the 332nd are to be sent to Naboo to stop a Separatist invasion of Theed."  he informed.  "Naboo?  What do the Separatists want from Naboo?"  Ahsoka asked.  "We as of yet, do not know."  Master Windu informed.  "Well, I guess we will find out."  you said. 

General Grievous POV

"The clones are trapped on Naboo, there is no escape." I informed.  "The remaining clone forces will not stand a chance my Lord."  I said, bowing to Count Dooku.  "The Republic has stationed a Jedi named (y/n) (l/), he is to be tested for his power."  he ordered.  "I will crush him with ease my Lord."  I promised.  "Do not underestimate him or his friend Tano, you may defeat them in signal combat, but they are tenacious."  Count Dooku warned.  "Yes my lord."  I bowed, ending the transmission.  "The defense force has been destroyed."  a droid informed.  "Send down all units, I want Naboo to burn."  I commanded.  "Roger roger!"  he said. 

"Prepare my ship, I will oversee this operation, myself."  I ordered.  "Roger roger!"  he responded, leaving the room to prepare.  "Battle droids"  I muttered, looking over the landing craft entering the atmosphere.  A loud groan could be herd from the destroyed Republic ships.   "General, your ship is ready." a droid informed.  "Good, stay here."  I commanded, walking to the hangers.

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