Chapter 15 | The Crashed Venator

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The sound massive explosion outside of Theed woke every clone up and those who were awake were visibly startled by the blast.  You grabbed your lightsaber and put on what was left of your armor.  A fiery wreck of twisted meatal lay crashed just outside.  "That's a Republic ship!"  you relised.  "Search for survivors!"  Ahsoka ordered.  Hundreds of clone troopers rushed over to the crash site, accompanied by a large number of medics.  You and Ahsoka also joined them as well, being careful not to touch anything as the slightest shift in weight could collapse what remained of a venator.  

You slowly crept through the hallways, finding hundreds of dead clones in the process.  You inspected a clone inn full armor who was moving slowly.  He had blue markings on his helmet and a blue stripe going down his chest.  "Anakin?"  you and Ahsoka said simultaneously, helping the trooper to his feet.  "Thanks Commander."  he groaned.  "Why is the 501st here?"  Ahsoka asked.  "General Skywalker is here to break the blockade on Naboo."  he informed. You and Ahsoka looked at each other.  "We suffered major damage from space and crashed down onto the surface, I am sure not many of us made it out."  he continued.  You looked out of a hole in the ship and up into the sunny sky.  Distant explosions were present, giving you the indication there was a large battle going on currently.  You heard a few clones run up behind you.  "Take him to a medic,  we will continue our search for survivors."  you informed.


You continued your search for a while, coming across many dead clones, most of which were unrecognizable from their burns.  Every time you saw a clone laying motionless on the ground, you felt a pain in your stomach.  You were about to turn around a corner until you both stopped dead in your tracks by a metallic clanking sound.  Ahsoka ignited her lightsabers and you did the same.  The blue and green blades light glowed in the hallway, allowing you to see slightly further.  The footsteps seemed to come from everywhere at once, but you could see no sign of what made the sound, although you had a good idea of what it was.

Then, as quickly as it started, the footsteps ceased, sending waves of panic up your body.  The sound of two lightsabers igniting broke the silence, you could now see the figure in front of you.  "Grievous."  you thought, fear rushing through your body.  He began to spin his lightsabers in front if himself and slowly walked advanced.  Clank, clank, clank, clank.  His feet rhythmically sent a terrifying sound through the hallway.  Ahsoka swung her sabers at the General, locking all four lightsabers together.  Sensing an opportunity, you lunged at him, but were kicked into the wall.  "I should have seen that coming."  you sighed, rising back to your feet.  Ahsoka had freed herself from the General, and was now deflecting a series of quick swings.

You quickly rushed in and began engaging Grievous, allowing Ahsoka to go on the offensive.  She was blocked every time by the cyborg's incredibly quick reflexes.  You tried every move you could pull off, but were blocked as well on every attempt.  Grievous then jumped back,, catching you and Ahsoka off guard, then launching himself back at you.  Ahsoka barley dodged the attack, but was bleeding from multiple small cuts.  Ahsoka's blood dripped down from her face, creating small red puddles.

Angered, you furiously lunged at the General, swinging as fast as you could.  He blocked all of your attempts, but was being backed up into a wall.  He was taken by surprise by Ahsoka who tackled him to the ground.  Grievous growled in frustration and pushed her off He than charged at you with several frenzied strikes.  You tried desperately to block his swings but knew it was only a matter of time.  He threw Ahsoka into a wall with his foot and cut you across your stomach, sending you to your knees.  He stood over you silently, staring you down with his yellow eyes.  Your vison was blurry and distorted as you felt pain unlike anything you had ever felt before.  You tried to scream, but the cyborg grabbed you by you throat.

His claws wrapped around your neck as he hovered one of his lightsabers on the right side of your neck.  You squirmed, but could not escape the General's tight grip.  You could feel everything fade into black as you slipped into the infinite void of nothing.

Ahsoka POV

I lied in a pool of my own blood, in extreme pain,  watching on helplessly as (y/n) was held in the claws of Grievous.  My vison was blurry and my head was spinning, but I managed to slowly get up to my feet.  I ignited my lightsabers and General Grievous turned around and let go of (y/n).  He fell to the ground, unconscious as I mustered up all of my remaining strength into fighting the General.  I swing at his neck, but was blocked and tripped onto the ground by the claws of Grievous.  He smashed his feet onto the ground, missing my face by inches as I rolled out of the way and jumped to my feet.  I grabbed him with the force and slammed him against the wall and then pushed him down the hallway.

I dragged (y/n)'s limp body across the twisted meatal, being careful not to injure him any further.  Grievous rushed across the floor, umping over the exposed pipes and swung.  I blocked him just in time and made sure to put myself in front of (y/n).  I heard the sounds of multiple boots rushing towards us.  "We must have made quite the racket."  I thought, deflecting a swing.  Multiple 332nd troopers.  They all immediately opened fire on Grievous, causing him to retreat back into the darkness, metallic limbs sending a loud clanking sound throughout the hall.  "Tell everyone to get out of here."  I panted.  "Yes sir." a clone responded.


I sat right next to (y/n) who was in a stretcher, still unconscious.  I had been wrapped up in a second layer of bandages.  I held his hand firmly in mine, waiting for him to wake up.  I tried to think about happy things, most of which were centered around (y/n) and how amazing he was.  His robes had been removed so that the medic could treat his horrifying lightsaber wound.  The clone said that he would need serious medical equipment, something we did not have.  My eyes started to tear up as I thought about what cold have happened.  I did not know if I could ever live without him.

Tears ran down my face and onto (y/n)'s chest.  I could hear his ragged breaths mix with my shaky ones.  I grasped (y/n)'s hand even tighter.  "I will never let go."  I whispered, tears still running down my face.  My thoughts were filled with ideas about life without (y/n)'s wonderful smile in my life.  My brain involuntary started to think of all the ways (y/n) could die in front of me.  I tried to push them out with memories of our first kiss, when we became Padawans, and his warm embrace. 

(y/n)'s eyes slowly opened and he groaned in pain.  "(y/n)!"  I shirked in relief.  "Yeah, I'm here."  he said hoarsely.  I burst into tears again, causing (y/n) to look worried.  "What's wrong Soka?"  he asked.  I always loved when he called me "Soka."  He was the only person in the galaxy that could call me that.  "I-I wasn't there for you."  I sobbed.  "I let y-you down (y/n).  I wasn't there like you are always there for me."  I confessed.  "How can you ever forgive me?  I almost let you die because I was to scared to fight."  I wailed.  "Shhhh."  (y/n) cooed.  He wiped my tears away from my eyes and placed a hand on my cheek.  "Its not your fault Soka, I chose to fight Grievous instead of running.  You are always there for me, you give me purpose in my life.  You are always there when I need you."  he said.  He gently pulled me into a long and passionate kiss.

My eyes started to dry up as I melted into (y/n)'s lips, only stopping briefly for air.  For the first time ever, I did not care if anyone saw us, all I cared about was (y/n) (l/n). We kissed gently and slowly, no words were needed to describe our love for each other.  Eventually, I pulled away after a while of wonderful kissing with a small pop and returned to his side, still holding his hand firmly.  "I love you (y/n)."  I said.  "I love you too."  he croaked.  I closed my eyes as he stroked my left montral gently.  I will love (y/n) forever and ever.

(y/n) POV

Your vison was slightly blurry and the cut on your stomach throbbed in pain, but the second Ahsoka kissed you, everything was better.  Her smooth, orange, Togrutan skin felt like heaven and her soft lips were everything you could ever want and then some.  Ahsoka eventually broke  the kiss to your dismay, but still held your hand firmly.  You stared into her calming ocean blue eyes that you drown in for hours.  "I love you."  Ahsoka had said this more times than you could count, but each time she said those words would send a warm fuzzy feeling throughout your body.

"I love you too."  you said, stroking her montrals with your hand.  Ahsoka sighed in content.  You always loved seeing Ahsoka happy, there was nothing better in the universe that would be more magical than Ahsoka's beautiful smile.

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