Chapter 8 | The Chancellor

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Darth Sidious POV

"Darth Tyranus, you are here at last."  I said.   "Master, what are we going to do about Skywalker?"  he asked.  "If Anakin is to be turned to the dark side, we must play on his fears, exploit them, starting with his pitiful Padawan and her boyfriend."  

"Master, what should I do?"  he asked.  "Nothing at the moment, however, when the time is right, you will know Darth Tyranus, I will make sure of it."  I promised.  "Should we send the boy of to Mandalore?"  he asked.  "Yes, do whatever you must to get the Padawan Tano there as well, play on his fears, make her grow attachment to another boy, we must have a backup plan, if Anakin does not turn to the dark side."  Darth Tyranus bows.  "We are to turn Padawan (l/n) to the dark side if Skywalker does not, I will make sure of it."  he promises.  "Tano will find herself questioning her love for (l/n), fueling his hatred, turning him closer to the dark side."  I smirk  "Anakin will join us, I am sure of it, but it is important to have a plan B my apprentice."  

(y/n) POV

"(y/n) what's with the armor?"  Anakin asked, hopping out of his ship.  "A little gift from the clones."  you respond, looking at the white armor protecting your arm.  Anakin smiled  "The clones are great when you get to know them."  he said walking up to you.  "I herd that you lost your lightsaber."  He lowers his voice.  You chuckle nervously.  "It got hit by blaster fire, had to use old fashioned blaster bolts to get the job done.  I am going to make a new one soon though."  Anakin laughed.  "What's so funny?"  you ask.  "Shaak Ti probably wasn't to impressed."  Anakin pointed out.  "She said something like "This weapon is your life.  You should treat it with respect."   you try to imitate her voice and calm demeanor. 

"Ha, same thing happened to me once, Obi Wan was furious."  he smiled.  "You mentioned me?"  Obi Wan asked.  "Yes, I was telling (y/n) about that time on Geonosis when I lost my lightsaber."  Obi wan laughed.  "And got attacked by giant creatures and were captured by bugs."  Obi wan teased.  "If you didn't remember, you were the first one to get captured by bugs and attacked by giant creatures."  Anakin joked.  You left the two friends to their own devices. 

"Ahsoka!" you shout.  "(y/n)!"  she runs up and hugs you.  "I love you."  she rested her head on your chest.  You kiss her head.  "I love you too."  you move one hand to her montrails and stroke it.  Ahsoka hugs you tighter.  You pull away, much to Ahsoka's dismay.  You walk next to Ahsoka for a while, occasionally sharing a kiss.  "I herd you were going back to Coruscant to get a new lightsaber."  Ahsoka said.  "My kyber crystal was unharmed fortunately, I just need to make a new hilt."  you gesture to the destroyed lightsaber you were carrying on your belt.  "Padawan (l/n), Padawan Tano, it is good to see you both."  Master Shaak Ti frowned at you.  "That is the third lightsaber you have destroyed!  I am suorised that he councel even allowed you to make another one!"  she scolds.  "I am sorry master."  you hang your head.  "Get your ship, you are headed back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant."  Shaak ti orders.  "Thank you Master."  you look up.  "Try not to lose this one."  Shaak ti joked.  You wave goodbye to Ahsoka and Master Shaak Ti and walk back to the hanger.

You exit Kamino's atmosphere and look down at the planet.  "Goodbye Soka."  you whisper to no one.  You enter hyperspace and the blackness of space is engulfed the the blue spiral of hyperspace.  "Padawan (l/n), you are on your way back to the temple."  a hologram pops up.  "Yes Master Windu, I am on my way."  you confirm.  "Good, we await your arrival at the Temple."  he fades out.  You spend the time in hyperspace by reading a holobook about military strategies.

You exit hyperspace with a boom and look at the city planet of Coruscant.  "Beautiful, as always."  you think to yourself, admiring the lights.  You land on a platform and are greeted by three Coruscant guard clone troopers.  They salute you.  "Welcome back."  they said with pride.  You walk inside the Jedi Temple, this was your home where your family was.  You see Master Windu and march up to him.  "Ah, Padawan (l/n), welcome back."  Mace bowed his head.  "Thank you Master."  you bow as well.  "The Chancellor has requested a meeting with you."  Master Windu suddenly said.  "What does he want?"  you asked.  "We do not know, he would  not say."  Master Windu confessed. 

"Ahh, Padawan (l/n), finally, I have been waiting for some time."  Chancellor Palpatine said. "Why did you summon me?"  you question.  "I herd great things about you and your heroics on Kamino, I felt that I should meet the hero behind the defense."  He said smoothly.  "It wasn't just me, I had help from my Master, Anakin, Obi Wan, and Ahsoka."  you confessed.  "True, but you did play a significant role in the defenses."  Chancellor Palpatine pointed out.  "Yes, I suppose that is true."  thinking about the clones reminded you of the armor you were wearing.  "If you continue to to show leadership in battle, I might request for the creation of a legion of clones that you would command."  the Chancellor paused for a moment and then continued.  "Though, you would need a second commander if you were given a legion of clones, perhaps Padawan Tano could lead, you seem to be close with her."  Palpatine observed

You hid your tenor in the back of your head, trying not to show emotion on your face or on your posture.  "I don't see how this has anything to do with Kamino."  you said, changing the subject.  "Oh, I am sorry, I must have gone of track."  he chuckled.  "Anyway, I will try to convince the Jedi Council to give you a clone battalion of your own."  he promised.  You smiled and left his office, not knowing what to think. 

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