Chapter 14 | The Droid Invasion

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Rain poured from the sky and lightning luminated the sky as the sound of thunder drowned out the blaster fire from the clones and droids.  Falcon blasted a few battled droids to your left with incredible precision as Ahsoka cut into the droid lines ahead of you.  Many clones had taken sniper positions and were inflicting massive amounts of damage.  You heard a loud hum and then a whoosh as another Ion shot was fired into a MTT that sent a small shockwave through the city as it was destroyed.  The remaining MTTs started to push the wreckage out of the way and blew a massive opening through the rubble of the collapsed archway.  The blue and grey paint schemes were given a dull tint by the dark clouds.  You sent a few shots back at the droids and started to slice into the unending line of droids.  Two massive C-9979 Landing Crafts hovered over Theed, almost as if they were watching.

"For the Republic!" a clone shouted, throwing a droid popper at the rows of B-1s, engulfing them in blue lightning.  "All of us were born to fight!"  another shouted.  A snipers picked off droids from  the rooftops as you and Falcon advanced on he Separatists.  You had fnaly met up with Ahsoka who had been destroying the battle droids with her lightsabers    

Falcon shot a droid's head off and then laid multiple rounds into a B-2.  You pulled ten droids into your blade with the force, slicing them all in half.  Every step was excruciating, the pain from the duel with the General would stay for a while.  You walked your saber into a droid and sliced the head off another.  Overhead you could hear the ongoing dogfight between the droids and clones, cousinly crashing down from the sky.  A clone from inside a house stuck his minigun out of a window and demolished the marching droids.  Two ARC-170s swooped down and fired their proton torpedo's at the AATs and droids, destroying hundreds of clankers and tanks.  "Falcon!  Toss me a grenade!"  you shouted.  Falcon reached into his backpack and threw you a droid popper.  You grabbed it and ran up an AAT, opening the front hatch and threw it inside.  "What the!?"  shouted a droid in confusion.  You leapt off the vehicle and landed painfully on your feet.  The AAT was engulfed in blue lightning, and then powered off and fell to the ground with a thud.  Falcon backed up behind some rubble to act as cover.  "Good job!"  Ahsoka congratulated, backing up to you, still deflecting blaster fire.  "Well, I could have stuck the landing a little better."  you pointed out.  "Obi Wan's personality really seems to have rubbed off on you."  she sighed.

She sliced the head off one b-1 and then cut another in half.  A MTT noticed the you two and opened fire on your position.  You both dodged and ducked in a way so that most of it's blasts would hit friendly droids.  Ahsoka jumped onto the front hatch while you cut a hole on the top.  The armor fell down with a clang.  "Hey!  Your not authorized to be here!"  he protested.  You quickly cut him in half and jumped down a hatch that lead to the main droid holding bay.  You met Ahsoka who threw down a couple of thermal detonators inside the engines.  "Lets go!"  she shouted, jumping out the hatch.  You followed her just in time as the MTT was destroyed in a massive detonation.  Shrapnel  cut into your preexisting wounds, making you wince in pain.

You and Ahsoka force-pushed the destroyed MTT into the advancing droids, crushing hundreds.  Falcon provided cover fire for you as you charged at the battle droids who acted almost as if nothing had happened.  Three orange clones rushed out of a bombed-out house and crouched next to Falcon and provided cover fire.  "Ace squadron, commence bombing run."  Ahsoka ordered.  About five Y-Wings swooped out of the sky and sent dozens of missiles and bombs at the droids, leaving craters in the street.  This seemed to be the morale boost the clones needed as a hundreds of clones began to pour fire onto the mindless battle droids.  You stabbed you lightsaber into the chest of a B-1 and Ahsoka cut the heads off two more.  "The tinies retreating, again!"  Ahsoka shouted over the roar of thunder and blaster fire.  "Your throat seems to be getting better."  you observed.  "Still hurts to speak, but not as much anymore." she smiled, cutting the head off another clanker.

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