Chapter 19 | The Duchess and Deathwatch

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You slowly opened your eyes, expecting Ahsoka to be there to greet you, but sadly were alone. You sat up and pondered about your dream last night.  It was unlike anything you had ever experienced before.  You could feel and taste, so maybe it wasn't a dream but a vison perhaps.  Master Yoda had talked about those before and said that you would experience everything that would or had happened.  You decided it was a vison, and a very pleasant one at that, and got up to get dressed.

You had just grabbed your robes when you heard a beeping noise come from one of the pockets.  You reached into one of them and pulled out your commlink.  "(y/n) here."  you said.  "Good morning to yourself."  Obi Wan greeted.  "Is there something I should know?"  you asked, pulling your robes on.  "Yes, the Council has decided to send you off to Mandalore, there, Duchess Satine will instruct you on your mission to spy on Deathwatch."  he informed.  "Deathwatch?"  you asked.  "Yes, we believe they may be working for Count Dooku and the Separatists, possibly selling information.  We must find out if they are and stop them."  he said.

"Alright, sounds good."  you said, opening your door.  "Your ship is located at hanger 812."  Obi Wan informed.  "Thank you Master."  you said, turning off and pocketing the commlink.  "Quick mission, in and out." you thought.


Six Mandalorian royal guards stood attentively as the ramp to your ship lowered.  You marched past them and they followed you to the throne room.  The Duchess of Mandolore sat on her throne and smiled.  "Greetings young Jedi."  she said.  "Greetings to yourself Duchess."  you bowed.  "You are here earlier than we expected."  she observed.  You chucled.  "Obi Wan tought me well."  you said.  She looked up at the door for a moment, almost as if she were wating for something, but quickly looked back down, "I have a small amount of information."  you she said, getting straight to the point.  "However, since Mandalore is a neutral planet, this is Republic business however I am willing to help an account of an old friend of mine."  she said.  "Go to Carlac, there you will find Pre Visla and his terrorist group."  she informed.  "Thank you Duchess."  you said.

"Please (y/n), call me Satine."  she requested.  You nodded.  "Yes Duch- er I mean Satine."  you corrected yourself.  She chuckled for a moment and then cleared her throat. "Obi Wan has told me great things about yourself (y/n)."  she said, standing up from her throne and walking up to you.  "I am honored that Master Kenobi has said such things about myself."  you couldn't help but smile.  You had worked all your life to become the very best Jedi you could, you were genuinely happy that Obi Wan had acknowledged your efforts.

"So what am I looking for."  you said, going back to business.  "Oh yes, you are to search for ties of them re-aligning themselves with the Separatists.  If they are, then I am afraid that the Republic will forcibly attack my people, is best to eliminate the threat before it destroys the peace."  she said.  You bowed once more.  "I suppose I should be going then."  you said.  "I suppose so."  Satine sighed.  "I whish you the best of luck, Deathwatch is becoming a large threat to Mandalore's neutrality."  she frowned.  "I will do my best your Majesty."  you promised.


The ship's engines powered down and the ship shook slightly as it landed.  You locked the transition and left.  You went no further than eight strides when you heard the sound of jetpacks.  You dove into a bush and waited.  "I should have brought a coat."  you thought, shivering at the cold.  "The hell is a ship doing here?"  asked one Mandalorian.   "I don't know, problem some traveler." said another.  You did not know how many there wee, but you assumed it was just two as there were no new voices after that.

They entered your ship so you decided that this was the time to take them.  "Nobody is her-" you snapped one of the Mandolaran's neck with a move that Falcon taught you.  The other one turned around and started firing, but not before you cold ignite you lightsaber and deflect his shots back at him.  He collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.  You removed your armor and walked over to the first Mandalorian, who's neck was sticking out at an odd angle and took off his.  It was slightly too big, but was not noticeable unless you were looking for it.

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