Chapter 35 | A Story

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You and Ahsoka stood side-by-side in front of the Council, dreading what they might say now that you had revealed your unique bond. The judging eyes of the Jedi Masters looked over you with blank, unwavering expressions.

"Strange this is."  You turned your head towards Master Yoda who had began to speak.  "Had a dyad in thousands of years, we have not."  Yoda said, looking up to Obi Wan, who had been called, despite his injuries.  "This topic will require further discussing."  he said, face still bruised and cut.  You looked at Ahsoka and gave her a smile.  She shot one back, but turned back to the Council after a moment.

The warm, orangish-yellow glow of the Coruscant sunset filled the room, making you and Ahsoka stand out a little more as the light reflected of your faces.  "Unfortunately, we will be unable to train you on how to use this bond, as all records have either been destroyed, or lost to time."  Master Windu informed.  You and Ahsoka would be flying blind for a while, possibly forever.

"This...further complicates your relationship."  Mace said slowly, not sure about what to do, which had to be a strange feeling for him.   Often times, he always was completely confident about his decisions, but now he seemed uncertain.  "This is quite a heavy burden to place on top of Padawan learns of their age."  your Master chimed in.  It was still nice that your Master, Shaak Ti, still cared about you and your friends well being, even though she was solar systems away.  "We mustn't overwhelm them, and gradually figure out things with them."   she said, offering a comforting smile.

"I for one, disagree Master Shaak Ti."  Master WIndu interrupted, earning a small scowl from you and Ahsoka.  "There has not been a dyad in the force in thousands of years.  This is our chance to study this phenomenon as quickly as we can to prepare the Jedi of the future."  he explained.  "WE ARE NOT LAB WOMPAS TO BE TESTED AND STUDIED UPON!!"  you screamed, losing your patience almost instantly.

Even Ahsoka looked at you with an expression of shock, surprise, and horror.  The chamber was silent, expect for your heavy, ragged breathing.  "We are people, not mindless droids!  We have complicated feelings and emotions that you refuse to let us express!"  you shouted, starting to rant.  "We are the first dyad in however many years and the first thing you think of is: "how can we exploit them for our own benefit?"   the room still remained silent except for your shouting.  Each Master looked on with varying expressions.

 "Ahsoka and I are not test subjects, we are not volunteers.  Strapping us to a chair and forcing information out of us makes you no better than the Sith and Separatists you clam to be above!"  you finished, breathing heavily.  "All I have ever done since I was a youngling is keep every emotion I have bottled up.  I thought this was fine, this was normal.  Then the war came."  you said, speaking much softer this time.

"I saw death, destruction, and lies be thrust upon me and realized that I was not as far above the average solider and citizen as I thought.  I have watched children cry over the dead bodies of their parents and felt nothing.  I felt no emotion, no sorrow, nothing."  you said to a still quite council.  "The chest in which I carved my heart out and buried, was slowly unlocked the more I spent time with normal people.  Normal men, woman, and children who felt compassion and emotions."  you sighed, looking at Ahsoka, who's jaw was closing and sent a look of familiarity.  She was the same emotionally as you at the beginning of the war.  Cold, heartless, and careless.

"Let me tell you of a story of a Jedi from an era long ago.  He and his apprentice were sent to a planet that had left the Republic out of fear of the Jedi far before this Jedi Knight and his Padawan were born.  The Emperor of this planet and his advisors worried that because some of his people had began to see the Jedi as gods, the dedication of their lives to the powerful beings would tear the planet apart."  you said, providing backstory.

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