Chapter 30 | Insecurities

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You fluttered your eyes open and felt the wonderful warmth that was Ahsoka cuddling into your side.  As you started to rub Ahsoka's montrals, but couldn't shake the feeling you forgot something.  "Master Shaak Ti!"  you panicked, shooting up.  You groaned loudly, causing Ahsoka to stir.  "I am so dead."  you sighed.  "What happened babe?"  Ahsoka asked, rubbing her eyes.  You immediately felt bad for waking Ahsoka up so early, and tried to let her get some more rest.  "Nothing Soka, you can go back to sleep."  you reassured, stoking her montral and then down her lekku, twirling the ends, causing Ahsoka to giggle.

"Tell me (y/n)."  she whined, giving you her best baby-porg eyes.  "I forgot to call my Master last night."  you sighed, not being able to handle the cuteness that was Ahsoka.  She grimaced and rubbed your shoulder comfortingly.  "That's not good, perhaps you cold call her again this morning."  She suggested.  "That is  what I was planning on doing, but I doubt she will be as glad to see me."  you sighed.  "And the worst part is that the only reason we didn't have sex was because you were calling Master Shaak Ti, and you forgot to do that."  Ahsoka jokingly whined.  You let out a short giggle.

"Sorry Soka."  you apologized.  "It's fine."  she promised, nuzzling your shoulder, letting out aa grin.  "I will get you one of these days."  she said, kissing your bare chest.  "Love you."  Ahsoka scooted up so her face was an inch away from yours.  Her magical blue eyes closed as she cupped your cheek and kissed you.

Ahsoka sighed lovingly as you kissed back, loving the way your lips meshed with hers.  When you broke the kiss for oxygen, Ahsoka's soft, plump lips made a wet pop sound whenever you disconnected.  "Love you too."  she said, placing her head on your chest.  You played with her lekku again, loving her soft, and squishy head tails just as much as much as Ahsoka loved you stroking them.

You thought back to something Ahsoka had told you a while ago, about Tortuga and how special their montrals and lekku were to them and their culture, and because of this, they would only let their partners touch their lekku.  This was the first time you had ever touched them, and Ahsoka wasn't stopping you, in fact, she was letting out soft moans and squirming a little.  A smile appeared on your face, knowing that she was being genuine about all the things she said about loving you.

"I am going to marry this girl when I get the chance." you thought, giving her forehead a kiss.  "You should call your Master before you forget, again."  Ahsoka said.  "But I wanna be with you."  you whined.  "You can give me all the hugs and kisses you want if you call Master Shaak Ti and apologize."  Ahsoka offered.  "Deal."  you answered, giving her a quick kiss before sliding out of your bed and walking up to the holoprojector.

You nervously pushed in the frequency, and almost immediately, the hologram of your Master appeared.  "Good morning (l/n)."  You gulped.  She only ever called you by your last name if she was really upset.  "G-good morning Master."  you stuttered.  "I hope you have a very good reason to have not called me last night."  she said, placing her hands on her hips.  "Uhh, I was too tired, and um, went to bed, uh, before I could call you Master."  you quickly lied.

You could tell your Master was not entirely convinced, but continued on.  "That is not a good enough reason.  You have stayed up until midnight to call me once, I have a hard time believing you were that tired."  she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.  "Well, I was training with Anakin and Ahsoka that day."  you added.  Shaak Ti paused for a moment.  "Speaking of which, how is Padawan Tano?"  she asked to your horror.  "Uhh, fine, she is perfectly fine, why do you ask?"  you answered, trying not to look at Ahsoka, who was still on your bed.

"The Council and I have noticed you have been entangling your lives with each other a lot more recently."  she said sternly.  "Master, I-"  you were cut off.  "Padawan, I am here to help you on your journey into knighthood and beyond, but you must understand the consequences that will come if you attach yourself with Padawan Tano."  she warned.  "Master, we are nothing more than friends."  you promised.

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