Chapter 24 | We Got Him

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You stared at the body of Obi Wan, the only noise that broke the silence were sobs from Satine.  Normally, you would have found this peculiar, but you did not really care at this moment.  A hooded Ahsoka stood next to you and Plo Kon.  You wore a brown hood similar to Ahsoka's whereas Plo did not wear anything more than his robes.  Anakin stood silently over the body of Obi Wan which was coved by a white sheet.

"I'm worried about Anakin."  Ahsoka said to you and Plo.  "He hasn't said a word since it happened."  she said somberly, turning her head back to the body of Obi Wan.  The table began to sink into the floor and the floor above it closed, shooting a beacon of yellow light up from the center.  You and Ahsoka stood there for a while, watching as people left, one by one.  After about an hour of standing, Ahsoka turned around and left the room.  You followed her, leaving Anakin to grieve alone.

Ahsoka pushed open the heavy doors and you slipped out just before they closed.  The glass windows showed the cloudy night sky, devoid of stars or moons.  You walked silently back to your rooms, reminiscing on the past.  You felt something nudge your left hand.  You looked down and saw Ahsoka's hand asking to be held.  You knew of the consequences of being caught like this, but you both were to filled with grief and anger to care.

You took her hand for the first time in weeks and walked down the dark, empty hallways.  Her soft and warm palms sent a spark of happiness, but were quickly drowsed by the loss of Obi Wan.  "I miss him."  Ahsoka whispered.  "I miss him too."  you couldn't think of anything else to say.  "Anakin hasn't been taking this well."  she sighed.  "I fear we may never get him back."  she said.  "We cant lose you Ahsoka."  you said.  "Anakin would never forgive himself and I..."

Ahsoka turned her head.  "I don't know what I would do."  you finished, entering the password to your room.  You were about to enter when Ahsoka pulled your arm.  "I think I need to sleep with you tonight (y/n)."  she said.  You smiled and removed her hood and hung it up.  Ahsoka got undressed while you hung your robes up as well.  Ahsoka came behind you and pulled you into a hug.  "I missed this."  she observed.  "I did too Ahsoka."  you replied, turning around and wrapping your arms around her.

She looked up into your eyes and you looked into hers.  Ahsoka's blue eyes were paler than usual, but had accents of happiness and joy.  Ahsoka lifted one hand up and started to play with your hair.  The sensation of Ahsoka's soft fingers gently tracing through your hair was incredibly relaxing and soothing.  Your hands gently rubbed Ahsoka's bare back.  You removed your arms and guided Ahsoka to your bed.  "Hey (y/n, can I ask you something?"  Ahsoka whispered.  "Do you mind if I kiss you?"

Ahsoka POV

(y/n) shook his head and I smashed my lips up against his.  "Oh how I've missed this."  He tasted just like how I remembered.  He kissed back, but still seemed distracted by the death of Obi Wan.  I knew how close my love was to him, Obi Wan was like a second Master to (y/n).  It was too late to do anything about it now, but in the morning I could help him.  We broke the kiss and snuggled up together.

I felt a sense of responsibility as (y/n) clung on to me.  I knew that I was the last thing that made him happy right now.  He was lost and hurt, and I would do whatever I can to fix him.  I felt a little bit of water drip down onto my forehead.  Both Anakin and (y/n) had took the death of Obi Wan like they could have done something.  There must be something


"Ah!"  (y/n) screamed as Anakin shook him particularly hard.  I was sleeping in (y/n)'s arms so his jerky motions woke me up.  Anakin looked at me with an expression I couldn't read because of the dark and thrusted the covers off us.  "The sniper was found, lets go!"  he shouted.  Both (y/n) and I were not going to miss this opportunity.  We both quickly changed and ran after my Master.  

(y/n) POV

We ran into the hanger and found only two one man speeders.  "Ahsoka and I will squeeze into one."  you promised.  Anakin nodded and hopped into the front one.  You climbed in first and Ahsoka sat on your lap.  You were able to just see over her as she closed the cockpit.  You stretched  your arms and reached for the peddles and turned the speeder on.

You followed Anakin who seemed to have the coordinates memorized.  "Did Master Yoda say how they found the sniper?"  Ahsoka asked.  "Who cares.  All that matters is they did."  he  answered, rage building up in his voice.  You followed Anakin down into the entrance to the underworld.  He stopped and parked a few hundred levels in.  Ahsoka jumped out, hands close to her lightsabers.

You all had brought with you your lightsabers, and this time couldn't care less what happened to the gunner.  He walked into a bar and ignited his lightsaber.  "Where is Rako Hardeen?"  he asked.  You assumed that was his name and crossed your arms.  "Back room."  the bartender growled.  

You kicked down the door and walked down to Rako's room.  Anakin opened it and you saw Obi Wan's killer, sleeping with his back turned.  "Is he dead?"  Ahsoka asked, not showing any concern if he was.  "He's about to be."  Anakin snarled, turning Rako over.  "A Jedi? I already killed a Jedi today.  Let me sleep."  he requested.  "He's not dead. He's drunk."  Anakin said, picking him up and throwing him against the wall.

"If it was up to me I would kill you right here! But lucky for you, the man you murdered would rather see you rot in jail."  he said angrily.  You sensed something familiar about him, but you assumed that was because you meet before.  "Send the police, we got the sniper."  Ahsoka said over the commlink.  Anakin pushed Hardeen out the door "Now, let's go, you coward, before I change my mind."  he growled.  The four of you walked through the bar where several people were staring at you as faint sirens come from outside.  Three police speeders waited outside and an officer handcuffed Rako and threw him inside the back.

You watched as two speeders escorted Rako's and drove out of sight.  "I hope he dies in handcuffs."  you growled.  Ahsoka and Anakin seemed to agree.  "If he wasn't unarmed, his head would be rolling on the floor right now."  Anakin said.  Even though Anakin had a distaste for the rules of the Jedi, he still would never kill someone who was not able to fight back.  "I whish it was."  Ahsoka scoffed, letting you hop in first.

You stretched your had out to pull her up.  "Something"  you observed, closing the windshield.  "I agree, something feels out of line."  Ahsoka pondered for a moment as you took off.  "But what?" 

"At least Rako was captured."  Ahsoka said.  "Hey Ahsoka, we have the day off tomorrow, do you wanna go on a date?"  you asked, changing the subject to something more pleasant.  "Sure, this will be our first one right?"  she asked.  "I think so."  you smiled.  You still felt bad about what you had done to Ahsoka, and this date tomorrow will be the best one she would ever have.  You were sure of it.  "It has been a while since we sat like this."  Ahsoka said.  "It has, I missed this every day Soka, you know that?" You slid your right hand up and down her side.  You heard Ahsoka let out an adorable giggle.  "That tickles."  she complained.  "Sorry."  you apologized.  "It's fine, besides, I haven't laughed in ages."  she reassured.  

"Hey Ahsoka, can I say something?"  you asked.  "Go ahead."  she replied.  "I love you."  you said, rubbing her thigh with your available hand.  Ahsoka sighed.  "I love you too."  Ahsoka said, patting your leg.  "You guys know I just heard your entire conversation, right?"  Anakin said over the radio.  You both gasped.  "Oh come n Master!  Stop scaring us like that."  she scolded.  "Hey, calm down Snips, I'm just glad you are happy."  he chuckled.  Ahsoka sighed.  "Well, I have officially lost count of how many times you interrupted us expressing our love."  she joked.  "Hey, that's what I'm here for."  he laughed.

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