Chapter 17 | The Council's Suspicions

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Third Person POV

"Close, the two Padawans are getting. Believe their emotions are deeper than friendship, I do."  Master Yoda said.  "I agree, if they have a romantic feelings for each other, it must be stopped."  Mace Windu observed.  "However, there is no proof yet of their relationship being anything more than just friends."  the hologram of Plo Koon informed.  "True, this is.  But approve of their friendship, I do not."  Yoda responded.  "Master Kenobi, what is your opinion on the situation?"  Mace asked.

"I have reasons to suspect they harbor feelings for one another, but doubt they would pursue them.  I know (y/n) and Ahsoka far to well, even they know the consequences of such relationships."  Obi Wan said.  "If we find proof of romantic involvement, they will be expelled from the Order."  Mace Windu said firmly.

"Send someone to observe their interactions we should."  Yoda suggested.  "Who should we send?" Aayla Secura asked.  "Someone who is close to both Ahsoka and (y/n)."  Plo Koon said.  "Skywalker, perhaps?"  Yoda suggested.  "No, I couldn't see him appreciating spying on his Padawan and best friend."  Plo said.   "Master Kenobi, up for the task, would you be?"  Yoda asked.  "If it is for the good of the Order, I will accept."  Obi Wan answered.  "I still believe Skywalker would accept this mission."  Ki Adi Mundi said.

"If we could convince him it will prevent the two from falling to the Dark Side, then he may be willing to accept."  Shaak Ti suggested.  "Master Shaak Ti, (y/n) is your apprentice if I am not mistaken."  Mace asked.  "Yes, he is."  Shaak Ti nodded.  "Then who do you believe would be best suited for the mission at hand?"  Mace asked.  She paused thoughtfully for a moment, and then answered.

 "To the Dark Side, the two Padawans can.  Stop it, we must."  Yoda warned.  "What if we were to separate them from each other, if they are friends, they will be unfazed by his action.  And even if they do harbor feelings for each other, they would not have to be expelled from the order."  Plo Koon suggested  "Yes, yes, but fear also, breaking them apart could lead to a dark path.  Unclear, the future is.  paths to the dark side, I sense in either."  Yoda said.  "It's settled then, we will stick to the original plan " the two Padawan's interactions will be reported back to us, where we will determine if they are pursuing a romantic relasonshp or not." Mace Windu decided.

(y/n) POV

"Hi (y/n)!"  Ahsoka greeted, standing up on her toes and kissing you.  "Good morning Soka."  You responded.  Ahsoka had already gotten dressed for the day, looking as stunting as always.  "Should we eat breakfast here, of in the cafeteria?"  you asked.  "I think the cafeteria would be nice."  she said, placing her head on your shoulder.   You absolutely loved this girl, nothing could ever take her away from you.

After a few minutes of hugging, Ahsoka looked up and kissed you again.  "I'm kind of hungry, how about you?"  she asked.  "I haven't had a decent meal in weeks, I am all in."  you answered.  "Yay!"  Ahsoka said childishly while grabbing your hand.  You held her hand until you opened the door and unfortunately had to let go.  "How was last night?  You know, with the injuries and all?"  Ahsoka asked.  "Not bad, just had to sleep on my back."  you informed, passing Master Luminara and her Padawan, Barriss Offee.

Barriss had been Ahsoka's second friend ever.  You had always thought that Barriss was a great friend to Ahsoka, always giving her emotional support whenever you weren't there.  "Remember when Barriss had an absolute crush on you as a youngling?"  Ahsoka giggled once Barriss had gotten out of earshot.  "Yep, never took her eyes off me."  you said.  Ahsoka giggled once more.  "She was so obvious about it too, I'm surprised the Council didn't notice."  Ahsoka said.  "Yeah well, you have always been the girl for me."  you said.  "Awww, you are so sweet."  Ahsoka began to lean in to kiss your cheek but stopped herself before doing so.

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