Chapter 33 | Obi Wan is Back

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"I-I think we are a dyad." (y/n) stuttered.

I paused almost every thought for a moment, jaw hanging open.  It all made sense, but it was so impossible at the same time.  "I-I, wha, I , were I dyad?"  I could barley speak and had a look of shock, amazement, and realization on my face, which was most certainly confusing Padme, but that didn't matter at the moment.  "Please calm down Ahsoka.  You know I hate it when you get all stressed out."  (y/n) pleaded.

But, by this point, my head was spinning just like everything In front of me.  "Padme I don't feel so good."  I informed, clutching my forehead that send sharp bites of pain.  Everything hurt as I tried standing up, but collapsed onto the ground.  "Medic!"  Padme's voice was echoing and I saw double.  Despite being on the floor, everything was still spinning.  "Ahsoka!  Ahsoka!"  (y/n) faintly cried.  My vision started to fade and spin even more, as I saw a pair of boots running up to me, before everything went to the familiar darkness.

(y/n) POV

"Ahsoka!  Ahsoka!"  you screamed in desperation, but you received no response, instead getting nothing but darkness on Ahsoka's end.  At first you worried she was dead, but you could still sense her presence, so she must have been knocked unconscious.  The headache you were receiving was unbearable, causing you to clutch your head from the pain.  It couldn't have lasted more than a minute or two, but seemed to last for hours on end.  "Please come home safe."  you pleaded, before you fell asleep, head still throbbing and worried about your Soka.


When you finally woke up, you still retained the headache from the night before, and were still tired and concerned.  "Ahsoka?"  you asked, but received no response.  You sighed to yourself and got out of bed.  Instantly, you felt dizzy and were forced to sit back down.  You groaned and rubbed your temples before getting up with the support of the force.  "I need to distract myself with something."  you thought, the worries of Obi Wan and Ahsoka flooding back to you.

You walked with an invisible cane until you got to your closet, where you pulled out a few small boxes of spare parts and set them down on the kitchen table.  "I guess I will have to rest for the day."  you decided, opening your toolbox and pulling out a few wires from another box.  You began to work on various small contraptions for the next few hours until you received a familiar series of beeps from your commlink.

You stopped working on a replacement component for your starfighter and answered the call.  "Commander (l/n) here."  you reported, not knowing if this was official Jedi business or not.  "Good morning (y/n)." said an unrecognizable voice.  "OBI WAN!"  you shouted.  "Yes, its me."  he said, chuckling at your enthusiasm.  "I thought you were dead!  And then you were alive but I didn't know where, how are you?  Where are you?"  you asked, not able to hold in your joy.

"I am currently on Naboo and am doing just fine, thank you for asking.  Although, I lost my beard."  he said disappointedly.  "What do you mean?"

"Unfortunately for me, Rako Hardeen is bald and has no beard, so I was forced to lose them both."  he said in a disappointed tone.  "When will you be coming back?  you asked.  "Sometime by tomorrow."  he informed.  "That is amazing, I cant wait!"  you said, glad that your fried was coming back so soon.  "I am glad someone missed me."  he joked.  "Perhaps you should notify Satine, she might be glad to know you are still alive." you suggested.  There was a short pause before Obi Wan answered.

"Yes, that does sound like a good idea."  he said slightly faster than normal.  "Well, I am slightly constrained for time right now, so I will have to say goodbye for now."  Obi Wan said awkwardly.  "Well, bye then."  you said, turning off the commlink.  You looked outside where the sun was setting.  You had gotten rid of most of the pain as of now, but you couldn't shake the feeling you forgot something.  "Damnit, I forgot about Ahsoka!"

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