Chapter 41 | The Voice In the Back of Your Head

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You sighed in frustration as you watched the Rebels throw weak punches and kicks at each other.  "Rex, you take over."  you said.  "Yes sir!"  he responded.  

"I asked for solders, not this."  you confessed to Ahsoka.  "Hey, don't worry alright.  They will learn over time, after all they have the most incredible Jedi ever training them."  Ahsoka said, pulling you behind a crate.  "Just give them a chance (y/n), pleaaaaaase?"  Ahsoka asked, giving you her best baby porg look.

  "Stop giving me those eyes."  you sighed.  "What eyes?"  Ahsoka asked innocently, doing it again/  "You know it makes me do whatever you want Ahsoka."  you said, holding back a smile.  "Give them a chance."  Ahsoka pleaded.

"If not for their cause or the people, or even a personnel score, then do it for me."  she said, holding your thighs.  "I hate when you give me the "do it for me" thing.  It gets me every krifing time."  you sighed, pressing your body against your girlfriend and kissing her cheek.

Ahsoka turned a bright red and looked at the ground.  "You are too sweet."  she observed, squeezing your thighs a little tighter.  

"Only because I love you."

Ahsoka again blushed and rested her head on your chest.  You trailed your finger all the way down the top of her montral to the tip of her lekku.  "Well, I love you too babe."  Ahsoka whispered, tilting her head closer, begging for a kiss.

You closed the gap and shared a passionate moment, sighing in content into the others mouth and letting off a few soft moans.  Ahsoka eventually broke the kiss for air and smiled cheekily.  "Glad you had a change of mind."  she teased, moving her hands from your thighs and back to her side.

"God, I whish I could just scream "I love (y/n) (l/n)!" to the galaxy without a care."  Ahsoka said, her happy smile turning into a wishful one.  "One day I promise Ahsoka, that we can shout our names for every world to hear."  you said, gazing into her beautiful blue eyes.

"I love (y/n) (l/n)."  Ahsoka said in the same hushed voice she had been speaking to you with before.  "I love Ahsoka Tano."  you whispered, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly.  "I guess we have to start somewhere."  Ahsoka said, giving you a quick kiss and pulling you out from behind the crates.

"Go get 'em Tiger."  Ahsoka smirked.  You gave her a smile in return and ran to catch up with Rex and the rest of the Rebels.


"Alright everyone, this Separatist tank has too much armor to be penetrated by small arms fire, so Rex and I will show you how to destroy it."  you said, catching the two droid-poppers Ahsoka threw your way.

"See, this tank has two hatches for each crew member, drop one of these inside, and the chaos begins!  Its foolproof, as long as you get one in each hatch."  you added, handing a grenade to Rex.

"Alright, pay attention to how we attack the tank."  Rex said, stretching his arms.  "You only get one shot in an actual battle, so one mistake can cost your your life."  Rex warned.  "Go!"  Ahsoka shouted from the sidelines.

You and Rex took off, running as fast as you could towards the tank.  You leaped up, grabbed the gun barrel, swung yourself onto the top of the turret, and dropped the droid popper inside the hatch.

The tank crackled with electricity as you landed next to Rex.  "See, not that hard right?"  you asked, getting no answers.  "Alright, Saw and Lux, you're up first."  you said.  "I'll take the top."  Lux said, cracking his neck.

"Lets see what your made of Bonteri."  Saw replied, catching a grenade and shoving Lux.  "Hey, we are fighting the Separatists, not each other!"  Ahsoka shouted, looking at the two young men disapprovingly.

"Go!"  you shouted.

Lux and Saw hit each other one last time and started running towards the tank.  Lux leaped onto the gun barrel in an attempt to climb it like you had.  Saw struggled to lift the hatch, as it was heavier than it looked.  Lux began to slip just as saw had opened the hatch, but was unable to toss the droid popper inside when Lux fell on top of him, knocking him to the ground.

You scoffed and walked over to the two, who had began to bicker again.  "Why did you stand right above me!?"  Saw asked angrily.  "Well why did it take you so long to open the hatch!?"  Lux screamed in response.  "You are a terrible solider Bonteri!"  Saw shouted back, kicking Lux's shin.

"You both have a lot to learn."  you said, holding back your laughter at the sight of Lux hopping around on one foot.  "Lux, your bleeding."  Ahsoka pointed out, suddenly right behind you.  "Oh, right.  Should get that checked out."  he said sheepishly, walking over to Steela.

"Time time time, I need more time."  Anakin repeated to himself.  "Keep an eye out for the quick learners Anakin."  Obi Wan said.  "They will give us the time we are lacking."  he said, focusing on the Rebels who were slowly opening and dumping droid poppers in the tank.

"Come on!  Move it!"  you shouted.  Almost in defiance, the next few Rebels went even slower than before, frustrating you to the point of quitting.  "You take over Rex."  you sighed, rubbing your temples.  You looked around for Ahsoka and found her sitting next to Steela and Lux.  "To much for you to take?"  AHsoka guessed.

"Yup."  you groaned, sitting down on the grass.  Ahsoka giggled and sat down next to you.  "Give them time, even Mr. Senator here will learn to fight."  Ahsoka joked, getting a glare from Lux.  "So, since you Jedi are such legendary warriors, tell me a little about how you guys work."  Stella asked, injecting Lux with a numbing substance and then stitching his wound together.

"Hmm, well its all about your plan and how you execute it."  Ahsoka explained to Steela who had just finished with Lux and began putting the needle away.  "If you have a great plan, but poor execution, you will always fail.  Even battle droids are not stupid enough to let you make ten mistakes per mission."  Ahsoka warned, giving Steela and Lux her look of seriousness.

Steela nodded and let the conversation pass on to you.  "Also, one thing I have noticed is that nobody panics when you have and follow a predetermined plan."  you said.  Steela, Lux, and Ahsoka leaned in curiously to see what you would say next.

"If I go to the King's palace and say that one of his guards will be shot, or if a bunch of tanks are  going to blown up, then nobody panics."  you said, pausing for dramatic effect.  But, if say that one little space port will be destroyed, then everyone freaks out!"  you explained to the group that slowly began to look more and more horrified.

"See, changing and unspecifying what will happen creates chaos, and in the chaos, that's when we strike.  They send hundreds of inspectors and soldiers down to the spaceport, but it never explodes. And with all the guards gone, we go do whatever we want in the city without anyone to stop us."  you said to an audience who must have thought you were some homicidal manic.

"Sorry, got a little carried away."  you apologized, chuckling nervously.  "Yeah, you had us worried there."  Ahsoka said nervously while rubbing your shoulder.  "Anyway, a little bit of deception also goes a long way."  Ahsoka said finally.

"A little deception mixed with fear, goes the furthest."  the dark side of your mind corrected.  "Shut up."  you said to yourself.  "But I'm right.  What if you created a planet so fearful that they would be willing to do anything to make it stop."  The dark side suggested.

"Imagine what you could do  to this planet with a couple blasters and a few good men.  You are smarter than everyone else out there, make them play mind games to the point of lunacy.  You can make the best people fall to their darkness level just by giving them the illusion of choice in that game."  the voice said.

"Madness, and all of its siblings, are always in a balancing act with sanity, but all it takes is a little push, and people show you who they really are."

"No, I am no Sith.  I don't make people play twisted games, I don't push people over the ledge of normalcy.  I am not a terrorist either.  I am a Jedi, and I will never fall to that level."  you said defiantly, not letting your dark side take over.

If you allowed the little voice in the back of your head in control, there would be no stopping, and no turning back.  And everything you wanted was right here, sitting next to you.  The Torgrutan girl you fell in love with.  As long as she was there, turning yourself over to be an agent of chaos, suffering, and fear, would never happen.

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