Chapter 25 | Naboo

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You yawned and awoke to the sight of Ahsoka sitting on top of you, fully dressed in skinny jeans and a shirtsleeve shirt that just barley passed her waist.  "Ready for our date?"  she asked with an adorable grin stretched across her face.  "Well, I have to get dressed first."  you joked, rubbing your eyes and smiling as well.  "It appears I am way ahead of you."  she said, handing you your street clothes.  "Thanks."  you said, letting Ahsoka get off you.  You pulled your jacket on and gave Ahsoka a hug.  She kissed your cheek and returned the favor.  You stayed like this for no more than a minute until Ahsoka grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the door.

"Looks like somebody's excited!"  you chuckled.  Ahsoka giggled and let go.  "Well, this is our first date."  she pointed out.  "And we are together again."  she said.  "Those are good reasons."  you said, strolling to the elevator.  "I love you (y/n)."  Ahsoka whispered.  It had felt like forever since she had said those words.  "I love you too. Ahsoka."  you replied.  Ahsoka smiled at your genuine reply.

"Would you like me to start listing off the things I like about Ahsoka Tano?"  you asked.  Ahsoka blushed.  "If you want."  she said, walking inside the elevator and pressing the button that went to the hanger.  "Well, she has the cutest smile, a wonderful voice, a beautiful face, a cute giggle, and, most importantly, a wonderful heart."  you flattered.  Ahsoka turned an even brighter shade of red and looked away.  "You are too sweet."  she sighed.

Ahsoka was the only thing that could take your mind off Obi Wan, even if it was for only a short while.  Ahsoka held your hand and kissed you.  Her lips tasted just the way you remembered them.  She held onto your neck while you hugged her just below her shoulders.  Her plump lips seemed to fit with yours perfectly as you kissed her back.

Her warm body pressed up against yours as you moved one hand up to stroke her middle montral.  You gave all your attention to her as you kissed for the first time in what seemed like years.  Ahsoka rubbed the back of your neck and occasionally pulled on your hair.  You broke the kiss for air but continued to hold each other and stare into the other's eyes.  Ahsoka pressed her forehead against yours and closed her eyes.  You felt the elevator slow down and eventually stop.

"I don't want to let go."  Ahsoka whispered.  "I don't either, but we have to go."  you informed sadly.  "Besides, we can cuddle all we want on the trip to Naboo."  you promised.  "Alright, but you have give me a kiss first."  she demanded, pulling you back to her.  "Alright, just one."  you said, giving her a quick but passionate kiss.  The door was open by the time you finished, but you didn't worry or care about somebody seeing you.  Ahsoka smiled and allowed you to exit her embrace and lead her to a shuttle that you had reserved.

You lowered the ramp and followed Ahsoka onboard.  She sat down in the co-pilot's seat while you slid into the pilot's one.  You turned the ship's engines on and hovered for a moment before taking off and merging with a lane to space.  "Do you think Padme will let us spend the night?"  Ahsoka asked.  "I think so, and isn't she on Naboo right now anyway?" 

"Yeah, she said she had to set up some event for the Chancellor."  Ahsoka said.  "What perfect timing."  you observed.  Padme was a good friend of both you and Ahsoka, so you were sure she would have no problem with you staying the night, but you decided to call her anyway.  You heard a hum come from your holoprojector before the blue hologram of Padme appeared.  "Hi (y/n), is that Ahsoka with you?"  she asked.  "Hi."  Ahsoka smiled.  "Good to see you both."  Padme informed.  "Good to see you too."  You and Ahsoka said simultaneously.

"Is there anything you need." she asked.  "Yes, we were planning on staying on Naboo for a few days, would you mind if we stayed at your place?"

Padme put a hand to her chin thoughtfully for a moment and then looked up.  "You may, it will be nice to have company."  she smiled.  "Thanks a lot."  you said.  "For you two, anytime."  she smiled, fading away.  By this point, you had left Coruscant's atmosphere and prepared to jump to hyperspace.  You typed in the coordinates to Naboo and pushed the hyperdrive handle forward.  The familiar blue spiral began to form as you were jolted backwards at the sudden change in speed.

"Never gets old."  you remarked.  "Sure doesn't."  Ahsoka agreed, shifting over to your lap and encircled you with her arms and legs.  You gladly pulled her closer to you and cuddled.  Just like hyperspace, the giddy feeling of Ahsoka's embrace would never fail you.  Ahsoka nuzzled your chest and smiled.  "I love you sooo much."  she said.  "I love you sooooo much more."  you teased, hugging her even tighter.  "Prove it."  she said.  You lifted Ahsoka's chin up, closed your eyes, and kissed her. You both melted into each others passionate kisses.  You were in love with the way her lips gently pressed up with yours.

You both cuddled with each other for a few hours until the ship's navigation system blinked red.  Ahsoka sighed in disappointment that the moment was over before getting back into her chair.  You pulled down on the leaver and the planet Naboo was thrusted into your sight.  You rubbed Ahsoka's leg and informed the ground crew you were landing.

As you entered the atmosphere, the rebuilt city of Theed came into view gradually gaining more details as you approached it further.  "You are clear to land on platform twenty-three." the control tower informed.  You navigated the ship over the famous Theed Palace and landed a few ships away from Padme's house.  "Hey, I remember this place."  you said.  "This was where the hospital was, and right there was where all the MTTs were."  you said, pointing at the road that connected the palace with the rest of the city.

"Well, it certainly looks like a city now."  Ahsoka pointed out.  She was right.  The trees had been regrown or replanted, the buildings were rebuilt, and the massive crates were coved up with asphalt and dirt.  people walked on the sidewalks as speeders drove by.  It was a wonderful sight to see such a beautiful place filled with activity.  You had taken the liberty of packing your bags the day before and handed Ahsoka a backpack and a small suitcase while you took two larger briefcases.

You walked over to the large doors and knocked.  You waited for a few minutes before Padme opened them and welcomed you inside.  "So, I take it the last time you have been here it was under the circumstance of war?"  Padme asked.  "Yup, it is so nice to see this place without hundreds of blaster bolds flying over your head."  Ahsoka joked. "Isn't it always."  Padme chuckled.

She lead you to room with a signal bed.  "Sorry, one of you will have to take the couch, I usually don't have more than one guest."  she apologized.  "Don't worry about it."  you reassured.  "Thanks again Padme."  Ahsoka said, giving her friend a hug.  "Yeah, thanks."  you said.  "Oh, it is nothing I promise."  Padme said, shaking your hand.  "If you need anything, call me."  she informed, closing the door.  Once it was fully shut, Ahsoka thrusted herself into your arms and kissed you.   

You could feel her left foot pop up as you held and kissed her back.  You broke the kiss and gave Ahsoka a smile.  "Again I am so sorry Ahsok-" you were cut off by Ahsoka covering your lips with a flinger and shushing you.  "It's alright."  she promised.  "I don't hold any grudges against you sweetie."  she said, lowering her hand back to your neck.  "We get to be a couple now so stop ruining it with your over-niceness."  she joked.  You couldn't help but laugh.  "I love you and only you Soka."  Ahsoka kissed your cheek.  "There is nobody that could hold me like the way you do (y/n)."  she said.

You both loved these intermate moments together like this, when you were together, you never wanted to be apart.  "So, what do you say about some lunch?"  you asked.

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