Chapter 3 | Cutest Smile in the Galaxy

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You increase the speed of your starfighter so that you can catch up to Ahsoka.  "You know Ahsoka, we are the first Jedi to fly the Eta-2s, soooo, we should probably tell Obi Wan and Anakin what we think."  you say.  "Good thought (y/n), but you know what, I want to thank you for getting me these."  She said. "What do you mean?"  you ask, puzzled. "Remember that time when you started talking about new starfighters in front of Obi-Wan?"  Ahsoka asks you. "No, I do not remember that."  you reply.

"Well, Obi Wan must have gotten Anakin to go to the manufactures, and get a prototype."  Ahsoka hypothesized.  "Wow, I totally did not notice that all the other starfighters in the hanger are the older model. I wonder how long it will take for the rest of the Jedi to get these?" you wonder. "They will catch on eventually." Ahsoka states. "Race you to the temple!"  you shout.  "You are so not beating me!" Ahsoka shouts back.

"You beat me."  Ahsoka grumbles.  "And you said you were going to win."  you taunt  "Wasn't by much though."  Ahsoka pointed out, still upset. "True."  you replied, hopping out of your cockpit.   Ahsoka rolls her eyes. "Do you think I can get this thing to go faster?" you ask, trying to lighten the mood.  "Probably." Ahsoka, now starting to smile.  "God, I love it when she smiles." you think, smiling dreamily. Ahsoka looked at you and you looked away, hopping she didn't notice.

You and Ahsoka take a look at the engine, taking off the outer layer of meatal, exposing the engine's system.  "Well, if we replace this mark-3 piston with a mark-6, and this Kuat gear with a Sienar one, you could get an extra, five-hundred miles, and about twenty-six more hours in the air."  Ahsoka observes. "These some unused space back here for a shield generator."  You say, pointing at an empty section on the back of the starfighter. "I like that idea, (y/n). BesidesI know where a few spare generators are in this place."  She said, smiling at your idea.

After a few hours of tinkering with pistons and wires , you are ready to install the shields.  "Soka! All of the wires are good, you can bring the generators over!"  You shout from under Ahsoka's starfighter.  "Already there (y/n)!" Ahsoka shouts back.  You stand up from under the starfighter. "We will start out with yours."  you say, slapping her starfighter's wing. You walk over to Ahsoka who was observing the two generators.  You and Ahsoka were covered from head to toe with dirt and grime from your labor.

Ahsoka smiled at you. "She has the cutest smile ever."  you thought, smiling yourself.  "So messy."  She observed.  "Look at yourself."  you reply, still smiling.  She lets out the most adorable giggle.  You both lift the small, but heavy, generator together and walk to Ahsoka's starfighter. You grab some screws, and place the generator inside of its spot neatly.  You both reach for the wires at the same time, causing you to accidently grab her hand.

"Sorry!"  you shout. "I-its fine" Ahsoka says. You could see her cheeks turn red and she looks away.  After a few seconds of staring in the other direction, she turns her head back towards you, blushing furiously. You stare into her perfect blue eyes and she stares into yours. You pull your hand away, still looking into her beautiful blue eyes.  You heard her softly whine.  "I am sorry, Ahsoka"  But this time you were apologizing for taking your hand away.

Ahsoka POV 

I reached over to the wires the same time as (y/n), I saw reach over him grab the wires also, but accidently grabbing my hand instead.  When he had realized that  our hands met (y/n) quickly apologized "Sorry!" he shouted. I was so distracted by his firm, but gentle touch that all I could say was. "I-its fine." Then I could feel my checks get hot and I turned my head. "I-wha? He is adorable, his face and everything. I don't want this to stop, he isn't letting go. Why? I love it, but why? I love him, and he might love me. I hope he loves me, ever since I saw him..." My brain was flooded with thoughts about (y/n) and why this feels so right. I turned my head back at him. I gazed into his eyes and he stared into mine. His (e/c) eyes gazed into mine with passion and love.

Slowly, he took his and away from mine.  I let out a small whine, saddened that our moment had to end. "I am sorry, Ahsoka."  he apologized, looking sad that he had hurt you.  (y/n) reached out and put a hand on my left montral and started to gently stroke it. I let out a small moan at the feeling. He did this for a while, and then he put his remaining arm over my shoulder. I put my two arms around him.  "Are we still friends?"  he asked, looking worried at what my answer might be.

(y/n) slowly let go of my body, still stroking my montral.  I whined again.  I started to softly cry. "Shhhh."  He said in a calming voice while wiping tears away from my eyes. I start to remove my arms as well. After a wile of shock and crying, I finally muster up the strength to talk to him.  "Just friends, are you kidding me? Just friends."  I say, starting to cry even more.  "We cant be together Ahsoka, we will be kicked out of the order.  You will be kicked out of the order." He said, now removing his hand from my montrals.  "I don't care about what the order says, I love you." I said, emphasizing every word.  "Soka, I want what is best for you, and you have always wanted to be a Jedi Master, and I will not stand in the way of that."  He said softly.  "Please (y/n), please say you love me, just say it!"  tears now pouring down my face.

"Soka, I would leave the Jedi order if it means you can become a Master, I really want what is best for you." He said genuinely.  "If really you want what's best for me (y/n), you will love me."  I said, even more tears were now pouring from my face.  "Please (y/n), make me your Soka, I want to be with you. I don't care about the order, as long as you and me are happy, together."  I cried. "Ahsoka, I really, truly, genuinely, deeply love you.  Nothing can change that" (y/n) whispered into my ear.  "I did not realize that you cared about me more than the Jedi Order." (y/n) said quickly crying.  Then he pulled me in closer so that my body was pressed up against his. I slowly stopped crying as he wiped my tears away.  I smiled at his loving touch that softly dried my eyes. " You have the cutest smile in the galaxy Soka." (y/n) said.

Then (y/n) wrapped one arm around my back, and placed his other hand on my hip. I wrapped my arms around his back and nuzzled his chest for a moment. (y/n) put a hand on my montral and started to stroke it again.  I lifted my head off of (y/n)'s chest and we looked into each others eyes for a moment.  And then (y/n) closed his eyes, and I closed mine, and we leaned in.

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