Chapter 43 | You Remind Me of My Father

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You yawned heavily and stretched your arms before realizing that Ahsoka was in the same sleeping bag as you.  "Mmm?"  She groaned cutely.  "Sorry to wake you Soka."  you apologized.  "No worries, its a joy to wake up with you."  said Ahsoka, giving you a quick peck on the cheek.

You both cuddled in silence for a while, enjoying the sight and fell of the other smiling affectionately and the wonderful warmth of your bodies.  "it is so hot sleeping when you aren't half naked."  Ahsoka said randomly.  You laughed and gave her a head kiss.  "True."  you said, not able to respond with anything else.

You both stared at each other for a moment before breaking out into giggles that quickly turned into laughs.  "Ohh, I love you."  Ahsoka sighed.  "I love you too."  you replied, snuggling a little closer.

Suddenly, a large explosion caused you and Ahsoka to jump out of bed and grab your lightsabers.  "(y/n)!  Ahsoka!"  Rex shouted.  "There has been an attack, the droids are here!"  he shouted, running to the frontline.

You and Ahsoka followed him, passing through crowds of people who were arming themselves to fight.  Despite the chaos, the three of you did not seem phased by the madness, as you had all been through much worse.

"Rex, get to the front and defend the gates with Anakin and Obi Wan.  Ahsoka and I will protect our flank!"  you shouted over the hail of incessant blaster fire.  "Yes sir!"  Rex replied, running off.

After a few minutes of running, you reached the outskirts of the base and waited.  You had studied Separatist tactics enough to know that they would start a surprise attack at the very gates, and then surround the enemy using their superior numbers.

You sensed movement in the trees about thirty yards away and ignited your lightsaber.  Ahsoka seemed to sense the same thing as well as she ignited her sabers also.

You crept up, waiting and anticipating for the inevitable first blaster shot.  Suddenly, you stopped and turned to a tree behind you.  Two commando droids opened fire, but were quickly silenced by you and Ahsoka's quick deflections that sent their shots right back at them.

Then, another shot fired from your might, then another, and then another.  Ahsoka quickly dispatched three regular battle droids before sending another blaster bolt into anther droid.  You also sliced through a couple droids before pulling two droids into your blade.

You quickly shook them off and swung at something that wasn't a droid, and missed by inches before stabbing a B-2.  The human fired a quick burst and saw all his shots blocked before diving behind a rock.

Ahsoka had finished with her share and started working over to you.  You crushed the remaining droids with the force and walked over to the rock where the human was.  "Hello Father."  you said in a resentful way.

"What?"  Batko asked, clearly surprised.  You turned off your lightsaber and motioned for Ahsoka to do the same.

She reluctantly followed directions and put her sabers away, but kept her hands hovering above the hilts.  Batko, seeing this, lowered his weapon and walked out from behind the rock.  "I knew I would find you."  he whispered under his breath.

You took one more step so you were not more than a foot away from your father before drawing a knife and holding it to his face.  "You know, I remember when my adopted parents took me on one of their missions."  you started.  Ahsoka looked at you in a horrified way, almost if she was seeing you slaughter children.  "So, they steal the ship with their bounty on it.  But as it turns out, she is a mother of an eight year old son.  And after he witnessed the death of his mother, he cried.  So, my father walked up to him and said:  "Let's put a smile on that face."  you said, trying to hold back your anger but failing as your voice sounded even more terrifying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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