Chapter 28 | Obi Wan

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(y/n) POV

"Obi Wan is still alive." 

You stood there in stunned silence.  Millions of thoughts were going through your head as you tried  to make sense of this.  You squeezed Ahsoka tightly and barley stammered out "What?"

Ahsoka stared up into your eyes, trying to hide her emotions.  "(y/n), I know you have been going through a lot, I have been trying to distract you and make you feel better, but I cant hide this from you."  she whispered.  "We were lied to."  Ahsoka said, burying her head in your chest.  "But, how?"  you pleaded.  "I don't know, none of us knew."  Ahsoka confessed, her voice muffled.

"Promise me we will get through this."  she said.  Your mind was alight with explanations, reasoning, and shock.  "This war has made me realize that nothing can be taken for granted."  Ahsoka said, twirling and tugging on your hair.  "I don't know what I would do without you, just promise me that we will always live in the moment together...

...Because I'm not letting go."

Ahsoka cupped your cheek and pulled you into a short kiss.  You shared a few minuets of silence in Ahsoka's arms to process everything.  "I just, feel betrayed.  Like nobody trusts us, I just-"  you were cut off by Ahsoka lovingly stroking your hair.  "Shhh, its alight (y/n)."  she cooed.  "Everything is gonna be alright."  she whispered.  Ahsoka couldn't bear to see you like this, even if she was feeling just as confused, angry, and betrayed as you, she refused to let you see it and subsequently make you feel worse.

"No, it's not alright!"  you shouted.  "Please calm down (y/n)."  Ahsoka said, a tear falling down her cheek.  Now you felt even worse about yourself, knowing you were the reason she was crying.   "I-I'm sorry."  you said guilty.  Ahsoka placed a flinger over your mouth and kissed you slowly and sweetly.  You were slightly surprised by the action, but nevertheless closed your eyes and melted into her lips.

"How can you be so calm about this?"  you asked, breaking the kiss for air.  "Because as long as I have this."   Ahsoka said, moving her hand between your bodies and over your heart.  "I  know that everything will be just fine."  she said sweetly.  Thoughts about Ahsoka and her love not being here for you crossed your mind.  "Oh Ahsoka, what would I do without you?"  you cried out, resting your head between her head crests as a few tears dripped from your eyes.   "Do you want to go to my room and talk?"  Ahsoka asked, wiping the tears from your eyes.  "That would be nice."  you answered hoarsely, letting go of Ahsoka's body and following her out of the training room and into the hallways.


You entered Ahsoka's room, that was quite similar to yours, as it used the same blueprint.  Although her bedsheets were pulled over to the side messily and her clothes were in a pile next to it, but the rest of the room, even in it's disorganized state, was comforting and warm.  You collapsed onto her bed as Ahsoka closed the door.  Ahsoka sat down next to you.  "Put your head on my lap."  she cooed.  You did as she asked and enjoyed the nice feeling of her hands stroking your hair.

"Have you ever heard about Master Qui Gon?"  Ahsoka asked.  "Yes, he was Obi Wan's Master."  you said.  "Well, he was a great Jedi, he was offered a great many times to be on the Council, but he always refused."  she explained.  "He believed that the Council and the Jedi were beginning to lose their way.  Master Qui Gon thought that the Council had forgotten what had made the Jedi any different from the Sith, love."  she paused for a moment, running her hands back and forth over your head.

"Qui Gon was right, I may never had admitted it a few years ago, but I realize, being with you has made me realize, that he was right all along.  Love is what makes a Jedi special, you made me realize that (y/n), you know that?"  she asked.  "Ahsoka?  Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask away."  Ahsoka whispered.  "Do we belong here anymore?"  you asked.  Ahsoka stopped for a second, slightly shocked.  "I'm sorry, that was a dumb thing to ask."  you apologized.  "No it wasn't (y/n), tell me what is on your mind?"  she asked, rubbing your shoulder reassuringly.  "What I meant was, if the only reason I am happy is forbidden by the Order, why am I still here?  I mean, why are we both still here?  We could have a perfect life together with no restrictions or boundaries, so why are we still Jedi?  Master Qui Gon thought that the only thing that made us good was lost, but I love you and I just wanna be with you for the rest of my life."  you  finished.  Ahsoka paused thoughtfully for a moment before answering.

"Because we believe in the Republic.  You know as well as I that this war is not black and white and that the Republic isn't perfect, but we continue to fight and die for it.  Why?  Because it is something worth fighting for.  One day this war will be over and when that day comes we will have a choice.  Stay with the Order and hide our love completely from them for the rest of our lives or."  she paused to put emphasis on the word.  "We could leave and be happy together.  I love being a Jedi just as much as you do.  We both had dreams of being the most prefect and best Jedi since we were three, but that doesn't have to stop us from leaving together when the Republic is safe."  she pointed out, tracing a finger through your hair.

"We have matured a lot over these last two years, more than some ever will in their life.  War is a terrible thing, but we fight because we believe in the Republic."  she finished. You pondered on this for a moment, realizing everything she said was true.  You wanted to be a Jedi, but you also wanted to be with Ahsoka.  You can only pick one while sacrificing the other, there was no in between.  "Don't worry about this now, but keep it in mind when the streets are filled with people celebrating the end of the CIS."  she promised.

You looked out the window and saw a Condor perched on the balcony.  Your mind began to travel back to Mortis and what had happened there.  You smiled again, remembering that The Daughter was the reason Ahsoka was here, playing with your hair while you rested your head in her lap. 

"I don't know how you do it Ahsoka."  you thought.  "Do what?"  she asked.  That was odd, you could have sworn you had only said those words in your head.  "You opened my eyes that I never thought could be opened, thank you."

You kissed Ahsoka's stomach and set your head back down on her lap.  "I love you so much."  you said.  "Love you too (y/n)."  Ahsoka replied.  "You wanna take a shower?"  you asked.  "Race ya!"  Ahsoka shouted, throwing your head off and sprinting to the bathroom.  You quickly got up and ran, but was too slow.  Ahsoka stood in the doorway and gave you a sweet kiss.  "I won."  she taunted, giving you a sly smile.  "I will get you next time."  you promised.  "We'll see."  Ahsoka teased, closing the door with the elegant press of a button.

You heard the water turn on and waited for a few minutes.  Ahsoka came out wearing a towel and bumped into you on her way out.  "Hello handsome."  she greeted, giving your neck a short, but passionate kiss.   "The water is nice and warm."  she informed, letting you go inside.  The water was warm, giving you a few minutes of comfort.  When you exited the bathroom, Ahsoka was siting on the bed in her beautiful dark blue lingerie.  "Isn't it a bit early for bed?"  you asked.  "I was thinking we could read a little and cuddle."  Ahsoka said, tossing you a pair of shorts.

"Thanks."  you said, putting them on.  "So, what are we going to read Ahsoka?"  you asked, sliding into her bed.  You didn't have any clothes in Ahsoka's room, so you were glad she went out of her way to get some for you.  "She is perfect in every way."  you sighed.  "I just picked up "Robes of Light" recently.  How about that?"  Ahsoka asked as you put your arms around her.  "Sounds wonderful."  you answered.  Ahsoka kissed your cheek and grabbed the book from her bedside.

You started to stroke her montrals as she opened the book.  You both took turns reading the chapters, feeling yourself get sleepier and sleepier.  Ahsoka was halfway through a sentence when her eyes closed and she feel asleep.  You carefully pried the book out of her soft hands and sat it back on the bedside.  Ahsoka, sensing your presence, began to move her arms around your neck subconsciously.  You gently guided her hands together so that her arms would be completely around you.

Feeling yourself start to fall asleep, you rested your hands on Ahsoka's waist and let yourself fall asleep, dreaming of the sleeping beauty in your arms.

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