Chapter 40 | The Rebels

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You and Ahsoka stood inside the council room, listening to Lux Bonteri and Saw Gerrera plead their case. "Unfortunately, the only way to reclaim Onderon will be through armed struggle, But we lack sufficient hardware and supplies."  Lux said.  "Onderon is in your king's rule."  Obi Wan said calmly.

"And at the outbreak of the Clone War, he chose to align it with the Separatists.  Our true king has been silenced.  The one you recognize is a traitor and a Separatist minion!"  Saw shouted.  You rolled your eyes.  "He wouldn't be so graciously let into power if he was not supported by the majority of Onderon."  you sighed.  "We need your help to survive this!"  Saw informed, turning at Anakin.  You saw that Lux took this opportunity to stare at Ahsoka, something you did not like one bit.

"Find a way we shall."  Yoda said, bowing his head.  "We await your answer."  Lux said, winking at Ahsoka who, to your delight, scoffed and rolled her eyes.  As the two Rebels faded out, Anakin cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.  "There are pockets of rebels on many of these planets that just need guidance.  With training and resources-"

"Anakin, that is terrorism."  you informed.  "No, I think of it is an insurgence."  he said a very matter of a factley.  "Well Master Skywalker, what happens if one of these "insurgence" members decides to plant a bomb in a school to eliminate a target.  Or a hospital.  What is that?"  you asked furiously.

"(y/n)!  These people need help!  You know they are suffering!"  Ahsoka pointed out.  "There are worse things that are happening in the Republic.  Last week, two hundred thousand people were killed on Jeta-5 due to a shipping accident.  No response from the Republic.  Or how about the flooding of Tatooine?  What have the people of Onderon done that makes them worth more than our own?"  you asked.

The members of the council looked at each other skeptically.  Ahsoka tuned around to face you.  "(y/n), you know that these people need to be helped."  she said, ignoring the rest of the council and focusing on your eyes.  "Ahsoka, I-"

"Please!"  Ahsoka whispered.  "If you won't do it for the people, at least do it for me."  she said as softly as she could.  "I'm sorry Padawan Tano, but I am not going."  you said finally.  Ahsoka's eyes were filled with hurt as she returned back to your side.  "We could send a few men and supplies and withdraw once the Rebels have been trained."  Master Windu suggested.  "No, end terror and suffering the Jedi must."  Yoda said.

"I agree, a planet of war is no better than a planet of terror."  Obi Wan agreed.  "A vote then."  Master Windu said.  You sighed as the only Jedi to vote against going to Onderon were Obi Wan, Yoda, and your Master, Shaak Ti.

"What you're all saying would open up dangerous possibilities like (y/n) said.  We must not train terrorists."  Obi Wan said fiercely.  "Eh, rebels."  Anakin corected.  "How we conduct war is what distinguishes us from others.  Funding rebels to overthrow a legitimate government puts innocent lives at risk, besides Onderon has the backing of a notable Bounty Hunter."  Obi Wan said.

"And there are serval thousand others, what does one Bounty Hunter mean?"  Aalya Secura asked.  "Because this bounty hunter is the Jedi hunter Bat'ko."  Obi Wan informed.

You felt a considerable amount of rage build up inside of you.  "What was that name again?"  you asked shakily.  "Bat'ko."  Obi Wan said, looking at you worriedly.  "Does he have a last name?"  you asked, hands twitching.  "He does not appear to have one based on our reports and archives."  Shaak Ti informed, looking pale herself.

"I am going."  you informed, barley able to get a sentence out.  "Oh, so now you want to help people."  Anakin said sarcastically.  "I have waited fourteen years to catch up to this man.  I don't need to wait another."  you informed.  Ahsoka smiled, but seemed very worried at the same time.  "Who is he?"  she asked.

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