Chapter 7 | The Second Battle of Kamino

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I know this technically isn't cannon or in legends, but I thought that since Kamino was the only cloning facility at the time, it would be attacked a lot so I decided to make the Seppies go for a round two.

You wake up with the familiar warmth of Ahsoka sleeping next to you.  "She is so adorable when she is sleeping."  you think with a sigh.  "Hey Soka, wake up."  you whisper.  Ahsoka slowly opens her eyes and looks up at you.  "A few more minutes (y/n), please?"  she asks groggily.  "I suppose a little more time with you couldn't hurt."  you think.  "Alright."  you said, rolling your eyes.  "Yay!"  Ahsoka exclaims.  "You are so cute Soka."  you complement.  Ahsoka kisses you  "I love you (y/n)."  Ahsoka said, pulling away from your lips.  "I love you too Ahsoka."  you respond, kissing her back.

You feel her soft lips press against yours.  You could stay like this for the rest of your life.  Ahsoka wraps her arms around you, keeping you in bed with her.  You break the kiss and smile.  "Ahsoka, we need to be going."  you inform.  "Nope, your staying here with me."  she stubbornly insists.  You move your hands up to her sides and tickle them.  Ahsoka tries to keep her grip, but succumbs to laughter.  "I love it when I can bring out the playful side in you.  Ahsoka giggles.  You hop off the bed to go make breakfast.

"One more?"  Ahsoka asks.  "Alright."  you sigh and kiss her one last time and then walk to the kitchen.  You grab two plates and make your way over to a bag of dehydrated food and read the labels.  "I guess it will be fish for breakfast again, and lunch, and also dinner."  you joke.  Ahsoka laughs.  "Fish."  you could hear her mumble.  You grab two small ones and place them on your plates and sit down at a majestic white table.  "Foods ready!"   you shout.  Ahsoka sits up and stretches for a minute, and then stands up and walks over to the table.

She grabs her fish and takes a bite.  "Needs a touch of spice, but other than that, not bad."  she observes.  "Since when were you a food critic?"  you ask.  Ahsoka tosses the rest of the fish into her mouth.  "I have standards you know."  she jokes, still chewing on her fish.  You chuckle to yourself for a bit, and then take a bite of your fish.

You hear a hiss and see a clone run into the room and salute you.  "Commander Tano, Commander (l/n), we have Separatist ships are incoming!"  he informs.  "I have a bad feeling about this."  you said with a worried tone. 

"Commander (y/n)!  Commander Tano!"  Commander Cody greets.  You smile.  "Good to see you too Cody."  You observe thousands of clones grab their DC-15s and helmets. The normally white lights were flashing red and a loud siren pierced the air.  "Troopers, what are your names?"  you ask two clones.  "I'm CT-5876." says a clone who's armor gave off a red glow from how clean it was.  "This here is Shiny, fitting name, as this is his first taste of action, and he is in love with his armor."  said a clone whos hair was braided. "Hey!"  Shiny shouted. "My designation is CT-3974, but you can call me Falcon."  the braided clone informed. "Alright, Shiny and Falcon, you are coming with us."  you said.

"Yes sir!"  they shout and put on their helmets.  You march off to the command center and the two clones follow you.  "I see you two have acquired bodyguards."  Obi wan teased.  "They are here to serve a purpose other than bodyguarding."  you promise.  "Make sure to destroy any incoming debris, we don't want a repeat of last time."  Ahsoka points out.  "Good idea Ahsoka, Cody, I want everything that falls to the ground to be destroyed."  Obi Wan commanded.  "Yes sir!"  Cody replies , tapping his commlink.  "Gunners, fire at everything that falls down."  he instructed.

"Is Anakin OK?"  Ahsoka asks, slightly concerned.  "Yes, he is fighting Grievous right now and is fine."  Obi Wan answers.  "Hey Falcon, that's a crashing Venator right?"  you asked, pointing at the ship on fire.  "Yes sir."  Falcon answered solemnly, knowing his brothers were on that ship.  "Uh, Obi Wan, we have a problem."  Anakin said worriedly over the main commlink.  "What is it? Master?"  Ahsoka asked.  "Well, the Separatists broke through, not without heavy casualties though.  We still have a few remaining ships however, most of which are relatively undamaged."  He informed.  "How many ships are we dealing with?"  Obi Wan asked.  "About six frigates and a Lucrehulk."  Anakin said.  "Well this is going to be easy."  you said sarcastically.

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