Chapter 9 | Welcome to the Jungle

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The droid landing craft's engines loud buzz filled the air, drowning out the sound of the warning sirens coming from the Separatist base.  The large doors of the craft opened and serval battle droids marched out in unison.  "Droid re-enforcements have just arrived.  We shall break into three groups to divide their defenses.  I'll take the left flank, Skywalker, attack the front gate.  Ahsoka and (y/n), you scale the back wall, we'll meet in the middle."  Master Plo said.  You and Ahsoka nod.

"Okay, scouts, find me a way down there, quiet-like."  Anakin instructed.  "Going through the front gate won't be easy."  Ahsoka crossed her arms.  "You two have it tougher going over that wall."  Anakin observed.  "You taught her well, she can handle anything."  you point out.  "Don't get to confident in your abilities."  Anakin warned. 

You and Ahsoka quietly sneak through the jungle, followed by members of the Wolf Pack.  Ahsoka stops.  "Hold up, I sense something out there."  she looks around for a moment.  "A droid?"  a clone asked.  "I don't think so. Probably just an animal.  Come on, we got to get to that wall."  she gestures to the droid outpost and continues.  "Stay alert, men. Let's move!"  a clone commands.

"Ahsoka, (y/n) are you in position?"  Master Plo asked.  "Ready and waiting, Master Plo."   Ahsoka answered.  You wait and hide behind some plants and hear distant explosions'.  Ahsoka gestures for attack and a clone shoots a battle droid guarding the wall.  "Comet, Sinker, Boost, lets go!"  you shout.  You and Ahsoka ignite your lightsabers to cover your flank.  The clones fire grappling hooks and start to scale the wall. "We're all clear, Commander, come on up!"  another clone shouts.  "We'll be right there."  You promise.

You continue to wait with Ahsoka, lightsabers ignited.  You hear something come out of a bush and are engulfed by a yellow net that sends pain up your body. You scream in frustration and agony until everything fades to black. 

You wake up with a start and clutch your head in pain.  You look around and see Ahsoka in a nearby cage.  "Trandoshans!"  you think, seeing a lizard-like creature walk up to Your cage.  "Ahsoka!  Are you alright?"  you asked.  "I'm fine."  she answered.  Relief rushed through your body.  "Trandoshan hunters, that's about the unluckiest we can get."  you complain.  "They are going to hunt us for sport,, I cant wait."  Ahsoka rolled her eyes.  "Do not underestimate them, we may be Jedi, but we do not have our lightsabers, and they have blasters."  you sighed.

You could feel the ship stop and the floor beneath you disappear.  You fell out of the ship and onto the soft sand of the beach.  You stared at the ship for a while until it started firing.  You and Ahsoka ran for cover and dove behind a rock.  The ship turned you watched as it and flied away into the night sky.  You run towards the jungle and Ahsoka follows you. You jump over a few branches and continue to sprint away from the beach. After going in far enough, you stopped.  "This should be a good place to sleep.  You laid down and Ahsoka cuddles up next to you.  Even under life-threatening situations, you still loved Ahsoka dearly.  You kissed her lips and drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up you two!"  said a female voice.  You jumped away from Ahsoka and saw three young Padawans. It was still night, so you hadn't slept for long.  "Who are you?"  Ahsoka asked. "We used to be Jedi younglings."  the girl answered.  You nodded and followed her through the thick brush.  The jumped onto a large tree branch and you followed.  You looked at the planet above you.  Something seamed familiar about it.  You shrugged and walked into a hollowed out tree.

"We never stood a chance. They attacked us on a training mission."  said a male Twi'lek.  "We were captured and brought here."  the freemale Jedi informed.  "I'm Kalifa." s he said. "This is O-Mer"  she pointed at a male Cerean "And Jinx."  she said finally, pointing at the Twi'lek from before.  "I am (y/n) and this is my friend Ahsoka."  you pointed at Ahsoka.  "Seems like you two are more than friends."  Jinx narrowed his eyes.  "It was for warmth."  you promise.  Ahsoka nods in agreement. 

"We were captured during the Battle of Felucia.  We are both Padawan learners."  Ahsoka explains.  "What's the situation here?"  you asked. "We were taken by those foul lizards for their amusement. To be hunted, killed and mounted on their wall as trophies."  Kalifa said with anger penetrating her voice.  "We've been stuck here for more rotations than we can count. No one has come for us. I doubt anyone is still looking."  O-Mer sighed and hunched over.  "Chew on that, Padawans, then rest. You'll need your strength."  Jinx promised scornfully.  You lie down next to Ahsoka and close your eyes.

You are woken up by Kalifa.  "The sun's almost up which means we clear out."  she said.  You sat up and helped Ahsoka to her feet.  "Where do you go?"  Ahsoka asked.  "We keep moving and keep those disgusting hunters from picking up our scent."  she briefed. You smirk "Lets go."  you and Ahsoka said simultaneously.

You walked alongside Ahsoka and the other Padawans for a few hours in the unforgiving jungle.  "Get down. Someone's coming."  whispered Kalifa.  You get on one knee and overlook the area below. "Those two came in with me, we should help them."  Ahsoka suggested.  "No, it's too late!"  Kalifa  held Ahsoka back. Bang!   the person you saw on the ship fell to the ground.  and the second one fled into the Jungle.

"Look at her run."  said the first Trandoshan.  "It's your shot, take her out1"  shouted the second one. Bang! the blaster bolt shot straight through her heart and the fleeing alien fell to the ground with a scream.  "We could've stopped them."  Ahsoka interrupted, visibly shaken.  "No, Ahsoka, we are not saviors here1  Here, we are survivors.  If they had spotted us we'd be dead now."  Kalifa said.  "We'll never get out of here if we just keep hiding.  We have to act!"  Ahsoka shouted.  "I agree."  you said.  "I don't think we could have."  Jinx  poked you in the chest.  You pushed  his hand away.  "You are no Jedi, you are all selfish cowards!"  you said wrathfully.

"Say that again."  Jinx threatened.  You are no Jedi, you are all selfish cowards."  you taunted.  He swung his arm at you enraged.  You blocked him with your right hand and kicked him in the chest.  To stunned to move, you gave him a ruthless uppercut.  He fell down to the ground, robbing his chin.  You and Ahsoka walk away.

"Get back here!"  Kalifa pleaded. Ahsoka turned back to face them.  "I can't do that.  My Master would never forgive me for running and hiding in a situation like this."  She said defiantly.  "Do not overestimate your abilities."  Kalifa warned.  "I'm not."  Ahsoka said jumping down.  You followed her decent into the jungle.

"Here, lizard, lizard. Come and find us."  Ahsoka whispered nervously.  You spin around and see a Trandoshan hunter.  You duck just in time, the bolt missing you by inches.  You lift him up and Ahsoka kicks him into a tree.  He shakes his head and swings at Ahsoka.  His lumbering claws miss her and you punch the back of his head, knocking him to the ground.  He jumps up and grabs Ahsoka and throws her down.  You grab his neck, but he tosses you off.

Slightly dazed you prepare to continue when he roars.  "That cant be good!"  you think.  Ahsoka grabbed his blaster and ran off with you.  You and Ahsoka doge the deadly spray of blaster fire from the Trandoshan pods.  You both continue to doge until you get an idea.  Using the force, you pull the pods into each other, causing a large explosion.  Ahsoka looked at you and smirked.  "Not bad."  she remarked.  "You don't look too shabby yourself."  you joke.  Ahsoka giggled.  You always loved hearing her laughter.  "Always have a sense of humor."  she beamed walking towards you.

You give her a quick kiss and continue your journey through the jungle.  Ahsoka grabbed your hand, seemingly forgetting that she was in a life-threatening situation.   "Soka, does that blaster work?"  you asked.  Ahsoka pulled her hand away from yours and  pulled the trigger.  "Nope."  Ahsoka stamped her foot in frustration.  "Mabey it jammed."  you suggested.  "You are probably right."  Ahsoka agreed.

Bang!  You heard the sound of a blaster rip through the air.  "Ahsoka, get down!"  you shouted, force-pushing her to the ground.  Clang!  Your body twisted to the right and you fell to the ground, feeling a great surge of pain flow through your shoulder.

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