Chapter 11

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"I have somewhere you can sit,"

Danielle made sure she arrived at Grey & 19 fifteen minutes before her shift was due to start. It was the following Friday and Jessica's last day so she had gone out of her way to buy her flowers, chocolates and matching baby outfits for the twins. Despite only getting to know Jessica for two weeks, they'd already built a strong friendship.

"Oh, who are those for?" Sarah asked from her desk when she saw Danielle enter the building.

"They're for Jessica," Danielle replied with a smile as the set the bouquet and gift bag down on the desk. "She hasn't happened to come in early has she?"

"No sign of her yet," Sarah replied. "How do you feel knowing you'll be by yourself up there from next week?"

"Ah, I think I'll be okay," Danielle laughed nervously. "I know everything now, it's just the matter of not having someone to talk to,"

"I know the feeling!" Sarah laughed, a bright smile on her face. "If it's any help, you can message me through the system so you don't feel too lonely,"

"I might just do that," Danielle smiled as she picked everything back up. "I'll see you later,"

"Have a nice day, Danielle," Sarah smiled as she watched her walk off towards the elevators. Danielle waited for the doors to open with a few other people, amicable chatter filling the space. It finally arrived and everyone walked in, Danielle standing towards the back as she was sure she'd be one of the last to get off. She looked down at the flowers when she felt someone standing just a little too close to her. So close that she could feel their hand inching across her lower waist.

Danielle shifted slightly and took in a deep breath, only to breath in the intoxicating scent of Stefania's perfume. She kept her head bowed as she glanced next to her to see Stefania calmly standing there, a box of flowers balanced on one arm. The brunette tried to keep a straight face as she felt Danielle lean back into her hand and she dug her fingers in a little harder. Stefania looked down at the outfit Danielle had on and almost wished that she hadn't because they were stood in a busy elevator and doing anything else would surely catch the attention of the other workers.

Danielle was wearing a pair of tight black trousers, low cut white shirt and black blazer to match. In other words, she looked hot. The usual pink lip gloss had been changed for a deep red colour, Stefania couldn't help but stare. The elevator had emptied by floor twenty nine, leaving just Danielle and Stefania bathing in the tension.

"Are you going to move your hand now?" Danielle asked, breaking the silence. Stefania looked down at where her hand was still pressed on her lower back and simply moved it further down, a smirk on her face when she saw Danielle roll her eyes.

"Is that not what you meant?" Stefania teased, giving a playful squeeze to her ass. "I like these trousers,"

"You like everything I wear," Danielle shot back, looking up at her boss with a playful glare.

"Perhaps," Stefania smiled as the elevator reached their floor and they stepped out, making way for Danielle to go in front of her. "Are these for Jessica?" She asked, motioning to the flowers and gift bag that Danielle placed on the desk.

"They are. I'm assuming yours are as well?"

"Yes. Look at us. Such a great connection," Stefania smiled as she watched Danielle turn on the computer. "Don't you think?"

"I'd think so. Considering the fact that I was riding your face two nights ago," The blonde said, her eyes playful as she looked up at Stefania who seemed a little surprise that Danielle was so blunt with her words. Usually she was slightly more reserved.

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