Chapter 40

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"I now pronounce you wife and wife- no, Mrs and Mrs Spampinato... wife and wife," Danielle spoke quietly to herself as she pulled out two strands of hair from her ponytail to hang loosely around her face. "I now pronounce you Mrs CEO and her assistant," She looked over at Stefania through the reflection of the mirror and smiled. 

"Mrs CEO and her assistant?" 

"Yeah, that's what the officiator will say," Danielle said, turning to face her fiancée. "Or sexy and sexier,"

"Who is sexier?" Danielle thought about it for a moment, tilting her head to the side as she looked Stefania up and down slowly. 

"I want to say me just to be cocky, but you... sexiest," A small smile grew on Stefania's face as she adjusted the collar of her shirt, unsure if she wanted the top button to be done up or left undone. She still wasn't sure if she wanted to wear a tie or not and they had to leave soon. "Having trouble?" Danielle asked as she walked over to stand in front of her fiancée before she reached up to press down the collars of her shirt. 

"Tie or no tie?" The blonde leant back slightly to look at Stefania again. Black and navy. Very sexy. 

"What colour?"

"Black," Stefania replied, although the thought of whether or not she should wear a tie was becoming slightly less of a pressing concern as she admired how good Danielle looked. "You look dangerous,"

"Dangerous? That's a new one," Danielle commented with a slightly amused look on her face before she held the tie up in front of Stefania to try and help her decide. 

"Mhm, dangerously good," The CEO spoke quietly, gently placing one hand on Danielle's waist. "Maybe I should just cancel this whole thing and not show up," 

"And your reason is that I look dangerously good?"

"Yes. I do apologise for cancelling at such short notice, but my fiancée looks more appetising than anything that could ever be plated in front of me. For that reason, I will be staying at home where I shall be eating her instead," 

"Woah, cannibalism," Danielle teased, laughing quietly to herself. "In all honesty, you should say that,"

"No more cancelling work-related things for sex. We have been through this," Stefania said as she re-did the top button on her shirt and then took the tie from Danielle. 

"Sad. I have something new on underneath," Danielle whispered, pushing herself up on her toes to be closer to Stefania's ear. The brunette paused for a moment, clicking her tongue before slowly nodding her head. 

"Good to know," 

"Mhm," Danielle hummed before pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. "So make sure you leave room for dessert tonight," 

"Yes ma'am," Stefania replied before turning to face Danielle for approval on the tie. "Yes?"

"Yes," She nodded, looking Stefania up and down very slowly. Painfully slowly. "Yes," She whispered, taking hold of the end of the tie between her thumb and index finger. 

"Good. We need to leave in ten minutes,"

"Ten minutes?"

"That does not mean ten minutes for sex, Danielle," Stefania said with a smile, despite the fact that she knew she was naked in Danielle's mind. "Stop looking at me like that," Blue eyes widened slightly, staring up innocently. The brunette sighed and held Danielle's jaw between her thumb and middle finger. 

"You love when I look at you like this," Danielle whispered, still loving to play on the fact that she had Stefania wrapped around her finger. 

"Dangerous," Stefania slowly leant in but didn't close the gap between them, just allowed the tension to build. "Pretty, but dangerous,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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