Chapter 38

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"You know me so well!"

"Try this one," Stefania had her hand underneath the fork as she guided it towards Danielle's mouth, allowing her to test it before she tried some as well.

"Mhm, I like that one better," Danielle said, pointing to a different slice of cake. "Nice, but eh,"

"Uh-huh, I agree. Eh," Stefania nodded, making a note of their opinion. They had already tried three different types of cake and hoped that they would be able to come to a final decision today.

"You want five tiers though so can't we have two or three different types?" Danielle asked as she scooped some chocolate frosting off of one of the slices with her finger and happily sucked it off.

"Technically yes, but they'd have to compliment each other," Stefania replied, doing the same thing but with the vanilla frosting. "This is a very difficult decision,"

"Says the CEO of a company who has to make very important decisions every single day,"

"Yet this is the most difficult," Stefania sighed, a small smile gracing her face. "Everything needs to be perfect,"

"Are you going to be like a bridezila?" Danielle asked. "A single rose petal out of place and everything falls to pieces?"

"And when I have ever acted like that to make you think that?" Stefania questioned as she moved the next slice of cake between them. It ended up being easier to have samples sent to their house rather than going into the bakery, Stefania's schedule was more unpredictable than either of them had expected.

"I moved your espresso that one time," Danielle replied quietly, holding in her giggles as her fiancée looked at her with an exasperated look on her face.

"That was different, I was in a rush," Stefania said in defence as she pushed her fork into the soft sponge then carefully moved it towards Danielle's mouth. "Eat before I miss your mouth and stab your eye,"

"Kinky," Danielle whispered, before eating the piece of cake, humming quietly as she licked her lips. Stefania smiled at Danielle before doing the same, chewing slowly with her eyes locked onto blue. "How do you make- why? Everything. Everything looks sexy," Stefania laughed loudly, tilting her head back. "I'm being serious!"

"What can I say?" The brunette winked at her fiancée as she tapped the fork against her lip before standing up and walking over to their refrigerator to get a bottle of water. "Do you want one?" Danielle nodded, hand outstretched as Stefania slowly strolled back over and passed her the cold glass bottle.

"I'm not sure I would ever have imagined the life I have now," Danielle said thoughtfully as she drew a heart in the condensation of the bottle. "Drinking water out of a fancy glass bottle as I test cake for my wedding,"

"Pretty good, no?" Stefania questioned with a small smirk appearing on her face.

"Pretty good, no," Danielle mimicked before taking a sip of her water. "Eh, it's alright," She shrugged, a very amused look on her face whilst Stefania sported a slightly more offended expression.

"We could just buy a cake from Target," The CEO warned, moving all of the pieces of cake closer to her. "Or you can have Target cake and I will have fancy cake," She smiled gleefully as she sunk her fork into the chocolate sponge again, more than aware of the blue eyes squinting in her direction.

"I was trying to be sentimental about fate and all of that shit, but I won't bother now," Danielle announced, looking Stefania up and down. "You also have chocolate frosting on your lip but I won't do anything about that,"

"No? Not even kiss it off?" Stefania asked, standing up again to now walk over to Danielle who was trying to act like that wasn't all she had been thinking about. The brunette tilted Danielle's chin up and smiled down at her, every inch of her exuding confidence. She knew Danielle wouldn't be able to resist, her eyes were lingering for too long at her lips. Which is exactly why she was surprised when Danielle turned around in her seat with a smug look on her face and turned her attention down to her phone.

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