Chapter 4

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"It is a nice desk,"

It was Thursday evening and Danielle was working away on her laptop, headphones glued to her ears as she added final details to the project she was working on. She could already feel herself getting a little bit of a head ache and reminded herself that she had to invest in some glasses that cancel out blue light from screens. She jumped when her phone suddenly started ringing next to her and slipped off her head phones before picking up the device.

Unsaved number. 


"Good evening. Am I speaking with Danielle?" The blonde froze momentarily when that voice came through her phone.

"Yes, speaking," 

"Good evening, Danielle. It's Stefania,

"Ah, good evening," Danielle tried to hide the smile on her face because if Stefania was calling her, surely that meant that...

"If I am correct, then what you are thinking right now is correct. I would like to offer you the role as my personal assistant," The blonde's face lit up and she bit her lip to stop herself from celebrating too much. 

"Oh my gosh, amazing. Thank you so much, yes definitely,"

"Perfect. Can you come in on Monday? 9am?"

"Yes, I can do that," 

"I look forward to seeing you then,"

"I look forward to seeing you too," There was  a moment of silence where neither woman said anything, just the faint sound of static hanging in the air. 

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Stefania asked, the tone in her voice had considerably changed. 

"Uh, no. Not tonight," Danielle replied as she shifted a little in her chair. Her heart rate began to pick up a little as the realisation of where this conversation was headed settled in.

"Do you want to come over?


"I'm just finishing up in the office so in about forty five minutes? I can send a car to pick you up,"

"I can drive,"

"I don't know if you'll be able to drive back though. Your legs might be too weak after I'm done with you," Danielle's mouth dropped open a little as she felt that familiar throbbing between her legs quickly make an appearance. She let out a small sigh as she recollected her thoughts. 

"What makes you say that?"

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about fucking you again since you first left my bed. Let alone the thoughts that ran through my head with you stood in my office. I know exactly what I want to do with you," The way Stefania was speaking was driving her crazy, bold and direct. Danielle could almost picture her leaning against her desk in her office, looking out of the window. "I'll take the silence as a yes. I have your address on the system. I'll text you when it's outside. See you soon,"

"See you soon," Stefania hung up, leaving Danielle sitting there in a daze. She told herself that she had enough time to get ready and also face time Jaina because, was this actually happening? Sure, she hadn't signed a contract yet, but theoretically, Stefania was now her boss and she was about to go over to her place and enter a whole other world of pleasure. Her mind started to spin at the thought of what her night now had ahead of her. The longer she thought about it, the more she felt herself slip into a deep daydream, all about Stefania's mouth and tongue and fingers. And that daydream was about to become a reality.  

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