Chapter 24

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"Goodnight, Stefania,"

Stefania paused in front of her bedroom mirror where she was doing up the buttons on her shirt, uncertain if she heard her doorbell ring or if it was just part of the song that was currently playing through her speakers. Though after it rang again, she realised that it was her actual doorbell. With a puzzled look on her face, Stefania made her way downstairs and to her front door, not a single idea of who could be outside so early. She knew for a fact that she didn't have a delivery scheduled.

As a tired yawn escaped Stefania's mouth, she opened the door to reveal Danielle, who in all honesty, looked the complete opposite of how Stefania felt. She stood there with a bright smile on her face, dressed in a pale pink dress, and in her hand, a bunch of flowers along with a paper bag hanging off of her wrist.

"Good morning, Stefania," Danielle said, trying not to laugh at the confused expression on her girlfriend's face.

"Good morning- I did not- oh, excuse me," Stefania said as she yawned again, covering her mouth as she made way for Danielle to walk in.

"These are for you," The blonde held out the flowers, waiting for Stefania to take them.

"Thank you, bambina," Stefania smiled tiredly as she took hold of the bouquet and then walked over towards her kitchen to put them in a vase. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes. I just wanted to stop by before work because I can't exactly bring this into work without questioning," Danielle explained, setting the paper bag down on the counter. "Coffee and a croissant,"

"I am very much in need of a coffee," Stefania sighed, pressing a quick kiss to Danielle's lips before taking a cup out of the bag. "Which one is mine?"

"They're the same," Stefania nodded then brought the cup up to her lips, letting out a soft sigh as the liquid warmed her and woke up her brain.

"I am not missing an occasion am I?" Stefania questioned as she glanced over at the flowers and racked her brain to try and find the significance of the date.

"No," Danielle replied. "I just wanted to do something nice for you,"

"If this is about me not winning, then I already told you that I am fine. I did not expect to win, you know this," Stefania said as she leant against her kitchen counter and took another sip.

"I know. But you just seem kind of... I don't know. Off," Danielle explained, eyes focused on her girlfriend to see if her face gave anything away. Ever since Stefania came back late on Sunday, she appeared slightly more reserved and much more focused on work. Though whenever Danielle asked if she was alright, Stefania would quickly dismiss her. Like now.

"I am okay," Stefania said slowly then let out another sigh. "But I still need to get ready so are you okay down here for a moment?" Danielle nodded and watched as Stefania made her way towards the stairs.

"Wait!" Danielle called out, making the COO turn on her heel with an expectant look on her face. "I just want one more kiss," She smiled as she walked over to Stefania and delicately kissed her. Danielle placed her hand on the side of Stefania's face, gently moving her thumb back and forth against her skin. She did look kind of tired, but maybe that was just because it was still early.

"Mhm," Stefania hummed softly as she pulled herself away from her girlfriend then quickly made her way upstairs. Danielle wasn't sold that she was okay. She didn't want to pry but she wanted her girlfriend to know that she is always there for her no matter what. It would just help if she knew what was wrong.

Danielle walked back over to the kitchen and drunk some of her coffee, resting her elbows against the counter whilst she patiently waited for Stefania to return. She did so a few minutes later, looking as gorgeous as she always does, her eyes focused down at her phone.

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