Chapter 17

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"Maybe later because... what I want to eat is right in front of me,"

Stefania seemed to have an extra bounce in her step as she sliced up some potatoes, probably something to do with the way Danielle just made her come about ten minutes ago. The blonde offered to help Stefania cook but every time, she was told to sit down and every so often, to taste something. A small smile graced Danielle's face as Stefania spoke in Italian to herself, a look of concentration present.

The thought slipped back into Danielle's mind about wanting to spoil Stefania in the same way that she spoils her. She could take her on a date but she had already figured that Stefania seems to have a slightly more elevated lifestyle than she is used. Like fancy restaurants with ineligible dishes listed on the menu.

"I'm just getting my phone," Danielle announced as she stood up and retrieved her bag, digging through the contents until she found the device. She returned to the stool and unlocked her phone, sneakily taking a picture of the back of Stefania before opening her chat with Jaina.

Danielle: I want to take Stefania on a date

Jaina: I told you so!

Danielle: Do you really have to say that every time I mention her?

Jaina: Yes :)

Jaina: Anyway, I think your solution here is to take her on a date

Danielle: No shit

Danielle: I just don't know where because she's all boujee and splashes out on me

Jaina: You don't have to take her anywhere expensive.... maybe something like a park, a gallery, drive thru cinema's are cute and they're not too pricey

Danielle looked down at her phone as she thought a little bit more about where she could take Stefania on a date. She wanted to do something special and memorable. For goodness sake the woman was standing their making her dinner and kissing her every chance she got. Stefania deserved something special. Especially when Danielle would think about that awful encounter with Camilla and some of the things that Jessica has told her, she didn't know the depth of hurt that Camilla had caused.


"Hm?" Stefania turned around with an expectant look on her face and a metal spatula in her hand.

"Can I take you on a date?" Danielle asked quietly, loving the way Stefania looked kind of taken aback by the question. "Why do you look so surprised?" She laughed, tapping her fingers on the counter.

"I do not remember the last time I was asked that," Stefania admitted as she fiddled with the handle of the utensil.

"Is that a yes?" Danielle asked, a bright smile on her face.

"Yes," Stefania nodded her head and then turned around. Her smile grew tremendously and she felt butterflies appear in her stomach. Danielle made her feel kind of giddy which was a fairly unfamiliar feeling to her. At least she hadn't felt that in a while. "How do you like your steak, Danielle?"

"Medium rare," Danielle replied, even though she wasn't entirely sure what that meant. She'd just heard people say that a lot on television shows.

"I can feel you watching me," Stefania said as she tried to focus on the pan in front of her.

"That's because I am," Danielle replied as her eyes trailed up Stefania's long legs. "I already said that you're a very... very nice view,"

"I almost prefer Miss Moody," Stefania laughed, turning around to see the look of offence on Danielle's face. "Miss Moody doesn't make me nervous. This is weird," A smile grew on Danielle's face as she stood up from the stool and made her way over to Stefania. She stood in front of her and looked up expectantly, struggling to hold in her laughter as Stefania fidgeted.

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