Chapter 10

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"Just wait until you're begging me to come later,"

Danielle tapped her foot impatiently at her desk. All she could think about was the way Stefania whispered to her all of the things that she would do to her after her meeting. But now it was just the agonising wait for her to finish the meeting. Painfully agonising.  

Jaina: So you're just waiting for her to finish

Danielle: Yep 

Jaina: Three hours after your shift finished?

Danielle: Well yeah....

Danielle: But it's not like I've just been sitting here

Jaina: You could have come over for a couple hours!

Danielle: I wasn't thinking straight to be honest

Danielle: know ;)

Jaina: Haha very funny

Danielle drummed her fingers against the desk and looked around. If she was going to be spending so much time here, maybe she could re-decorate it a little and at least that would give her something to think about because all she could think about was Stefania doing many, many things to her. 

So re-decorating it was. 

Though her thought process was interrupted when the elevator dinged. The noise made Danielle jump as she was pretty certain that Stefania said no one comes up after five without prior notice. Perhaps it was a cleaner. 

"Oh hey, Danielle," Barrett stepped out with a smile on her face, her jacket slung over her arm. "You're here late?"

"Yeah, um," Danielle tried not to look too anxious as she scrambled to think of a reason as to why she was still in the building. "Just going over a couple of things. Stef- Miss Spampinato is just finishing a meeting,"

"That's fine," Barrett waved her hand in dismissal as she sat down in the vacant seat next to Danielle. "I'll keep you company," The blonde politely smiled as she opened a random tab on her computer, hoping that Barrett wouldn't ask her too many questions. "Do you like it here so far?"

"Yes. It's nice. I still have a lot to familiarise myself with though," Danielle replied, eyes glued to the screen in front of her. 

"Good. Good," Barrett said, nodding her head slowly. "Has grumpy in there been okay?"



"You call her grumpy?"

"I call her anything but Stefania," Barrett laughed as she moved from side to side in her chair. "But how's she been? Have you seen her smile other than when I'm around?"

"Yeah, of course," Danielle replied like it was the most obvious thing ever. 

"Wait, really?" Barrett seemed genuinely surprised by Danielle's answer which made the blonde laugh.

"Uh, yes? Is she not normally the smiley type?" Danielle asked curiously, wanting to know more if it was perhaps down to her presence for Stefania's apparent change in mood. 

"No... she's not. What have you given her?" Barrett asked, and although she was joking, Danielle panicked a little bit. Was it obvious that she was sleeping with Stefania? Jessica hadn't appeared to pick anything up. "I'm just messing with you. You'll get used to my humour," Barrett laughed as she spun around in the chair. 

"Are there rules about redecorating?" Danielle asked as she looked online for potential tapestry's to hang up. And at least that could change the topic.

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