Chapter 22

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"How does that sound?"

"I'm legitimately nervous," Jaina said, walking back and forth while fanning her face with her hands. "You said she has expensive stuff? I become careless when I'm drunk, what if-"

"Don't get too drunk," Danielle suggested as she flipped her hair from one side to the other. "You'd think after years of knocking back drink after drink, you'd have learnt how to handle your alcohol," Danielle said, giving a knowing look to her best friend as she picked her phone up from the side.

"But she's going to have like, expensive alcohol. I have to try everything,"

"Yes, try. Not drink entire bottles," Danielle said, laughing at her best friend. "She said not to bring anything but I kind of want to because we're celebrating her nomination,"

"Have you seen what you're wearing? That's probably enough for her," Danielle smiled to herself and looked down at her dress, slightly less modest than what she would usually wear to work. A fitted black dress, stopping just above her knees with a split on the side, connected by a metal chain.

"Yeah, this is a hot dress," Danielle agreed. "We should leave in a minute,"

"Okay okay," Jaina checked herself in the mirror once more then followed Danielle down to her car where she took a shot of vodka for courage. "You have yours once we've parked. I'll also have another," Danielle just laughed as she began to drive, her best friend really could be a character sometimes. "Did you say her friend is nice?"

"Yeah, Barrett is. She was really friendly at my interview and for a bit after that, but then when she found out about Stefania and I, she got kind of weird, but it's all fine now," Danielle replied, drumming her fingers against the steering wheel. "You two will probably get along,"

"Good. And this is because Stefania has been nominated for an award?"

"Yep, Optics Global,"

"Optics Global," Jaina repeated, nodding her head slowly. "And she really said I can stay the night?"

"Yes," Danielle laughed. "She has a guest room that I didn't even know about,"


"Anymore questions?" The blonde asked as she pulled up to Stefania's place.

"Uh... nope!" Jaina grinned as she filled the vodka bottle cap with the liquid then handed it to Danielle who quickly drunk it.

"Mhm, thanks," She winced, clearing her throat then checking her appearance in her phone reflection. "Ready,"

"Yes! I am not bringing this in with me because it is so cheap, she might kick me to the curb," Jaina announced as she swallowed her shot then got out of the car, nodding with approval as she looked around. "I feel so... not fancy," Jaina said as they walked up the path.

"That's how I usually feel whenever she takes me somewhere," Danielle laughed, thinking back to the restaurant Stefania took her for their first date. They stopped in front of Stefania's door and waited once Danielle had pressed the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Five seconds later and Barrett swung the door open, standing there with a massive smile on her face. "Hello Danielle and... Jaina? Right?" Jaina nodded her head and smiled at Barrett as she led them inside. "Well, it's nice to meet you,"

"You as well," Jaina responded, trying not to ogle too much at Stefania's house.

"Your girlfriend is just making sure she looks extra pretty for you,"

"She always looks pretty," Danielle said bashfully, a soft smile on her face.

"Good answer. I made her buy a shit ton of alcohol so you're welcome in advance," Barrett said as they all walked over to the kitchen and she gestured to the many glass bottles lining the counters. "And prepare a charcuterie board,"

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