Chapter 26

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"Now this... I have missed,"

Danielle slowly began to wake up, her naked body comfortable underneath Stefania's sheets with her sleeping girlfriend within arms reach. Just how it's meant to be. The dark curtains kept most of the day out, however there was a small gap with a ray of light streaming in. It appeared to be sunny outside, however Stefania had told her about the deception that English sun could bring. Meaning there was probably a brisk chill in the air.

There was a soft smile on Danielle's face as she admired Stefania's defined yet delicate features. She had spoken to her about how stressed she had been over the past month, and even though she would try to downplay it at times, it was nice to see her look so peaceful.

After their escapades in the shower the night before, they spent time covered in soapy bubbles, exchanging soft kisses and simply appreciating the touch of one another again. And as they dried off, not many words were exchanged but the glances fuelled with love remained until they were united underneath the covers, whispering quietly about anything that came to mind.

It was blissful.

As Danielle laid there, an idea came to mind. Something she had wanted to do but never got the chance, though Stefania had a few times before. It helped that Stefania was also naked so if Danielle wanted to give her an extra special wake up call, that in her opinion was even better than coffee, it wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Stefania's steady breathing told Danielle that a little bit of movement wouldn't wake her, so she moved underneath the covers and made her way between Stefania's legs. She had to turn her waist so that she was laying flat, but Stefania was still fast asleep despite the disturbance. Danielle pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she got comfortable then pushed Stefania's legs further apart, excitement rushing through her veins.

Tentatively, Danielle licked Stefania's clit, rolling it underneath her tongue. There was still no reaction from Stefania, but the blonde was certain it wouldn't take long before she began to wake. She continued to tease her clit with her tongue, smiling as Stefania began to move slightly. Danielle ran her tongue through her folds, she could feel her girlfriend getting wetter after each stroke.

Stefania let out a quiet whimper, her body starting to come to life with one of the best feelings. There was a lot more movement on the bed as Danielle returned back to Stefania's clit, moving her tongue from side to side.

"Mhm," Stefania moaned softly as she pushed her hips closer to Danielle's face and she finally grasped onto what was happening. The CEO grabbed her sheets with one hand and reached under the covers to tangle her fingers in Danielle's hair with the other. "Fuck, just like that," She whispered, eyes shut and voice ladened with sleep which made her moans sound even sexier.

The blonde smirked, pressing a kiss to her bundle of nerves then continuing the ministrations of her tongue, building Stefania up. Danielle wrapped her arms underneath her girlfriends thighs and brought her core closer to her mouth, burying her face as close as she could and thrusting her tongue inside of her. Stefania felt as if she was in heaven, Danielle's tongue felt so good and she could feel heat rising through her body.

Danielle slid her hands up Stefania's body and toyed with her nipples, leading the brunette to moan quietly. She let go of her sheets and sought out Danielle's hand, lacing their fingers together, squeezing as her core throbbed against her girlfriends mouth.

Stefania's voice got lost in her throat as Danielle pushed her over the edge with her tongue attentive to her clit. She lapped up her wetness as Stefania's body shook above her before she let out a ceremonious sigh, relaxing into the bed.

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