Chapter 27

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"Have enough sex to make up for the entire last month,"

Stef <3: Call me when you wake up :)

Danielle smiled tiredly at her phone screen, the need to utilise her alarm that was set for five minutes later suddenly gone because the thought of speaking to Stefania immediately had her wide awake. She had been back home for four days and was already missing her girlfriend like no other, but it was great telling Jaina about London. She yawned as she called Stefania, waiting patiently while the call connected. 

"Good morning, Danielle," Stefania smiled as soon as her girlfriends face appeared on her screen. She placed her phone on her desk then rested her chin in her hands. 

"Hi," Danielle said quietly, a shy smile growing on her face. "Are you okay?"

"I missed your face," Stefania replied after a moment, tilting her head to the side. "It has been a long yet uneventful day," 

"Oh yeah, you had assistant interviews?" Danielle remembered as she got out of  bed and opened her curtains, squinting her eyes at the sunlight that streamed in. 

"Some of them, yes. I am actually glad that I have more tomorrow because today just..."

"Not good?"

"No," Stefania was quiet for a moment, content watching Danielle move around her room. "I would have thought everything would be in place by now,"

"You're doing a good job," Danielle said sincerely, sitting down on her bed. "Amazing. Taking into account that you've moved however many miles away into a CEO position. You are amazing and you are doing amazing,"

"Thanks," Stefania said quietly, the softest smile gracing her features. "I am so tired,"

"Can't you just go home?" The CEO laughed, leaning back in her chair. Danielle wasn't wrong but it always left her feeling unaccomplished to leave work early.

"I will soon. Seeing your pretty face makes me feel alright," 

"I'll keep you here while I get ready, okay?" 

"Are we going to shower?" Stefania asked, perking up slightly. 

"Yes, I need to shower," Danielle replied, a knowing look on her face. "Don't look at me like that!" Stefania didn't reply, just smiled again and continued to watch. Danielle walked into her bathroom and set her phone on the sink, moving out of frame as she pulled off her t-shirt.

"Uh... the phone is over here!" She heard Stefania call out. Danielle wrapped her towel around her body then moved back into frame, laughing at the way her girlfriends shoulder slouched. "You do not need a towel to shower," 

"Yes, I do," Danielle teased, doing a 360, only to turn back around to see a full pout on Stefania's face. "Stop that! Are you forgetting that I was naked in your bed at the weekend? Are you forgetting that we showered together?"

"Of course not. I think about that all time. It is actually a bit of an inconvenience how often I think about you naked," Stefania admitted, clasping her hands together. "So please just... give me another hit,"

"Oh, am I a drug now?"

"You could be. I do not want to say that I am addicted to you because that could come with unhealthy connotations, but it is difficult to be without you," Stefania said, eyes never leaving her phone screen. "I am glad you left your t-shirt here. I wrapped it around my pillow,"

"You're such a softy," Danielle teased, though she was certain that her heart had melted in her chest. 

"Only for you," Stefania was quiet again as Danielle turned on her shower then placed her phone on the ledge where luckily, no water could hit it. She swore she could feel her pupils dilating as Danielle left her towel to the side and stepped into her shower, turning the phone to face her before grabbing her shower gel. 

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