Chapter 28

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Stef <3: You too

Danielle groaned quietly, instantly regretting sleeping out in her living room because the ache she currently felt in her neck was not worth it. Perhaps she should have pushed harder for her and Stefania to be okay last night. As soon as she thought about their argument, unsettlement made an appearance, and though she wasn't sure if she was still upset or angry about it, that nervous feeling in her chest remained.

She couldn't hear any movement coming from her bedroom, and the thought crossed her mind that Stefania had decided to leave, but she knew her girlfriend wasn't that aggravated to not say goodbye.

But then Danielle remembered that she replied to her message with 'you too' so maybe she did have the nerve to just walk out. It was setting in just how stupid it was for them to sleep in separate rooms, argument or not, because the moment Stefania flies back to London, they both know that the constant longing for the others touch would return.

Danielle wasn't even sure of the time as she sat up, wincing slightly as she looked around for her phone. She forgot to ask Stefania what she would be doing while she was at work today, as much as she didn't want to go. Though she had been feeling that way for a while now. It relaxed Danielle to know that she had around thirty minutes before she even had to begin to get ready, which gave enough time to check on Stefania.

Her footsteps were slow as she walked towards her bedroom, she knew this was a feeling that she didn't want to feel again. Danielle contemplated knocking first, or maybe just calling her name, but it felt weird to wake her up in that manner. She much preferred when they woke up together and would spend ages delicately running their fingertips along the other, getting lost in an embrace like no other.

"Stef?" Danielle spoke quietly as she pushed open her bedroom door, eyes immediately drawn to discarded clothes on the floor... and then to the empty space on her bed. That hurt Danielle a lot more than expected as she swallowed hard and fought the tears that rushed to make an appearance. "Great," She sighed, shutting her bedroom door and returning back to her living room where she looked around blankly, trying to ignore the tightness in her throat.

As she walked over to her kitchen and opened the refrigerator, with no actual intention to take anything out of it, Danielle felt a tear slip down her cheek and quickly reached up to wipe it away. The thought of even attempting to consume anything made her feel sick as she shut the door and turned around, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Right... um," Danielle ran a hand through her hair, still fighting off the tears that refused to stop filling in her eyes. She told herself that if she began to start getting ready for work, she could distract her mind, but it didn't seem to be working as she stared at the dresses in her closet. "Stupid work," She groaned, chucking a black dress on her bed then pulling off her t-shirt and replacing it with her towel. "I need to put my phone on charge," Danielle said to herself as she headed back towards her living room, her heart nearly jumping out of her chest and a small yelp slipping out when she saw a figure standing in her kitchen.

"What?" Stefania asked, quickly looking at Danielle whose eyes were wide.

"N-nothing. You scared me," Danielle replied, fixing her towel around her body. "I thought you left,"

"I did. I went for a walk and then I bought you coffee," She said, walking over towards Danielle with the cup in her hand. The blonde eyed her up suspiciously as she accepted the cup and tried to decipher her mood. Stefania quite literally looked like a blank slate, however Danielle figured things still weren't okay when Stefania didn't offer to join her in the shower. She always offered.

Instead, Stefania stood by the window of Danielle's apartment, listening to the water of the shower running despite the commotion her thoughts were making in her brain. She really hoped that her little walk would help clear her mind, that wasn't the case. Part of her almost took her bag as she left, but the voice of her conscience told her that would make things ten times worse.

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