Chapter 2

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Danielle and Stefania stared at each other as images of the night before flashed through both of their minds. Stefania could hear Danielle moaning her name and suddenly remembered how good it felt to be grinding against her, bodies pressed flush against one another. Danielle had to will away any goose bumps coming up on her arms as she thought about the way she gripped onto Stefania's back as she came, curse words falling from her lips. 

"I suppose that we do not need to do introductions," Stefania said calmly after a moment of recollection. She slid her phone into her pocket and gently tapped her fingers on her thighs while the blonde tried her best not to think about the fact that those same fingers were buried inside of her not even twelve hours ago. "Take a seat, Danielle," She motioned to the chair that was on one side of the desk and Daniele nodded as she sat down, immediately crossing one leg over the other. 

Stefania remained standing as she watched Danielle, her eyes not moving even the slightest. Never had she been in this situation before. She wasn't quite sure if it felt wrong for looking or even thinking about the positions they were in last night. This woman was naked in her bed not that long ago and now she was here, in her office and she was meant to interview her like nothing had happened before. It seemed like an impossible task. Stefania cleared her throat as she eventually sat down and looked at her computer screen. 

"Okay, so... Danielle," Her name rolled off of her tongue slowly, lingering in the air like their breathless moans. "I have your resume here," Stefania glanced over it and nodded her head. It almost made it worse that Danielle was more than qualified for this role. "You went to University of Pennsylvania?"

"Yes. I have a degree in graphic design," Danielle nodded her head as Stefania continued looking over her resume. It never took Stefania this long, in fact, she didn't even really need to look at the document because she'd gone over it already, but it was taking her a little longer to make sure her mind was in the right place. She also made a mental note to have applicants include a photo of them when they apply. 

Danielle took the moments of silence to trace her eyes over Stefania, her features were more than gorgeous. Her eyes landed on her lips and she tilted her head ever so slightly to the side as she pictured Stefania hovering over her, eyes dark as she leant down to kiss her. 

"This is all very impressive," Stefania said, snapping Danielle out of her trance as she faced her again, clasping her hands together and placing them on top of the desk. "I will just talk to you a little bit about what this role entails," Danielle nodded her head as she listened. "As you would be my personal assistant, you do not approve anything without running it by me first. That is my number one rule. I have a meeting heavy schedule and you need to be on top of making sure everything is aligned to the minute. I would say that the timetabling should be your top priority here. Along with my coffee's," Stefania smiled as she lifted up her cup and took a sip. 

"I can smell you like them strong?" Danielle questioned as the smell of coffee wafted over her. 

"Not always but I needed a strong one today," As soon as Stefania said it, she realised that of course Danielle would know why she needed a strong one today. The blonde had to hold back a smirk and looked down at her lap as she squeezed her thighs together a little tighter. 

"As I was saying. When it comes to holding conferences and presentations, I send over precise lists and instructions of what needs to happen and what materials need to be brought in. You have to make sure it is all on this floor and ready. There are other people who will set everything up, along with the cleaning as I am sure you saw the mess that was left in the conference room today. So you don't need to worry about that,"

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