Chapter 6

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"See you on Monday,"

"Okay fuck," Danielle walked back over to her wardrobe and looked for her other white shirt. How she didn't notice the coffee stain on the shirt she just had on was beyond her so it was currently discarded on the floor as she frantically searched through her clothes. Now there were a couple of factors as to why Danielle was a little more an edge this morning. 

One, being that it was her first day at her new job and while she had accepted the offer, she was still yet to sign her contract so any slip ups today would definitely be noticed. Two... well she slept with her boss three nights ago, right after she accepted her offer and had thought about her every night since. She felt a slight buzz run through her body at the thought of seeing Stefania again. 

"This is good," Danielle finished buttoning up her shirt and looked in the mirror. Along with the white shirt, she wore a pale blue pencil skirt that accentuated her curves and applied her usual pale pink lip gloss. Danielle slipped on her jacket, grabbed her bag and made her way down to her car. At least this time she could stop off at Starbucks. At 8:55am, Danielle entered Grey & 19  and was again, greeted by Sarah.

"Ah! Good morning, Danielle. Miss Spampinato told me you were successful," Danielle nodded her head with a smile as she reached the desk. "We'll have a key card made for you after all the paperwork is finalised, but for now, I'll still have to let you in and out,"

"Okay, perfect. Thank you," Danielle gave a small wave to Sarah as she walked over to the barriers and was allowed through. There were a lot more people in the lobby today which made sense as it was the start of the working day. Danielle stood in the elevator with a few other people and waited as it gradually scaled the building. She finally reached floor thirty one and stepped out. 

"Good morning, Danielle. Congratulations! I had a feeling you would get the job, Miss Spampinato looked extra happy when you left her office which doesn't happen often," Danielle laughed softly. If only Jessica knew why.

"She's not here yet so you can relax for now," Jessica patted the chair next to her and Danielle sat down. "Her schedule is surprisingly not that heavy this week but it will make your induction  a lot easier," Danielle nodded her head as Jessica brought up a spreadsheet on the computer screen. "My first tip, always have a computer copy and a physical copy of the week's timetable," She reached into a drawer next to her and pulled out exactly that, the spreadsheet but printed on paper. 

"Is there a printer up here?" 

"Oh gosh, you haven't even had a tour yet!" Jessica clasped her hands together and perked up a little. "Follow me. Let me show you around this floor. It's all spick and span especially as it's Monday morning," Danielle stood up and followed Jessica. "Okay so, of course we have my little bit at the front and here, well yours now," They turned the corner and stood at the front of the hallway. "This door is a supply room so we have materials, printer, photocopier, all the sort of thing," Jessica opened the door and turned the light on so Danielle could get a  better look.

"Do I need to know how to assemble those?" Danielle asked, pointing to some banners at the back of the room. 

"It's not your job to assemble them but it's good to know how just in case, but someone will show you at a later date," Jessica shut the door and turned around. "Bathroom," She pushed the door open and there was a smaller hallway with five separate doors. "All gender neutral, nothing really special to see in here. Each one has a little cabinet on the wall with essentials and toiletries if needed," Danielle nodded as they walked back out. 

"This is the main meeting room on this floor," Jessica said as they walked into the room with the large window. "The layout of the room changes around sometimes but there's people who come in and do that. You help set up though and make sure everything is running smoothly and ready to go. There's a little button here," They walked over to the desk at the front and Jessica pointed to a little silver button on the wall. "It's connected to the front desk so if Miss Spampinato rings it, she needs some assistance,"

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