Chapter 7

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"I have to take this,"

Danielle glared at Stefania whose fingers were still teasing her entrance. 

"Multi task," Danielle challenged as she shifted her hips slightly. Stefania's eyes darted from her phone screen to the gorgeous woman in front and then back to her phone screen. Danielle could see the conflict evident on her boss's face.

"Hello?" Stefania answered the phone as she pushed her fingers into Danielle who had to quickly cover her mouth with her hand to supress any noises. The COO took a step closer to Danielle as she started to slowly drive her fingers in and out. It felt like a common occurrence now for Stefania to be in a slight state of disbelief regarding the things Danielle makes her do. Not that she was complaining. 

How could she possibly complain when she had Danielle Savre pushing her hips down onto her hand to try and drive her fingers deeper, her unbuttoned shirt showing off her full breasts, her face contorted into nothing but pleasure.  She was glad that she knew how to multi-task. 

"Which are you referring to?"  Stefania asked as calmly as she possibly could despite the current situation she was in. "Yes, that's fine," The COO pulled the phone away from ear, muted herself and put it on loudspeaker while she waited for the person on the other end of the line to find something. Stefania wasted no time in pressing their lips back together, Danielle letting out a muffled moan as the brunette began to curl her fingers. Both women were hoping that it took a while for the person to find what they were looking for. 

"God, you look so sexy right now," Stefania whispered as she pulled away from Danielle's lips and started to press kisses on her chest, licking and sucking and biting. The blonde gasped as she brought a hand up to Stefania's hair and held her close, the feeling of her orgasm slowly building up in the pit of her stomach. 

"It appears that I only have up to page seven, do you have the rest?"  Stefania fumbled with her phone as she unmuted herself, Danielle trying her best to silence her heavy breathing.

"I can load them up now," Stefania paused the movements of her fingers which made Danielle widen her eyes and she almost yelled when Stefania, regretfully, pulled them out.  She brought her fingers up to her lips, sucking them clean as she walked towards the door. The brunette turned to look at Danielle, frustration clear on her face and tilted her head for her to follow her.

Danielle tugged down her skirt and just held her shirt closed with her hands as she followed Stefania into her office. If she had the power to hang up Stefania's phone... The COO was already opening a file on her desk, a small smile gracing her face when she saw Danielle enter in after her. The blonde watched Stefania for a moment as she tried to figure out her next move and then seductively leant over the desk, her breasts almost spilling out over the top of her bra. Brown eyes widened and she tried her best to stay focused on the task at hand but she would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about Danielle in this position before. 

Stefania spun herself around in her chair so she was facing the window. She told herself that work should always came first and no matter how much she wanted to touch Danielle right now, her focus had to be concentrated somewhere else. The blue eyed woman stood up straight when she realised Stefania had fully switched into work mode as she listed statistics and stated facts. Danielle did up the buttons on her shirt and tucked everything back in before slowly sauntering round to Stefania. She turned her round in the chair, a flash of disappointment spread across Stefania's face when she saw that Danielle had fixed her clothes, then Danielle leant down, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. She could just about hear a voice speaking through the phone in Stefania's hand so hovered next to her other ear. 

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