Chapter 3

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"Enjoy the rest of your day,"

Stefania laid in her king sized bed as she stared at the ceiling and debated her options. She was never one to oppose to a little self pleasure but she also knew what Danielle's number was because it was in the system which is connected to her work phone which was next to her right now.  It wouldn't take long at all to give the blonde a call and ask her over, she would even pay for a car to pick her up, Stefania was that lost in the thought of having Danielle back in her bed. 

But she had to take into consideration the fact that she was currently in the line up to being her assistant. Though she still had three more people to interview, Danielle was high up on the list of being successful, and that wasn't just based on the fact that they were previously acquainted. She was just better than most of the applicants and she suited the standards of Grey & 19 perfectly. 

The fact that Stefania was even laying in bed thinking about Danielle was a sign of... a sign of something but Stefania couldn't quite figure out what that sign meant. Sure, it was probably just lust fuelled, however the COO had a tendency of looking into things deeper, even if it wasn't needed. Because she had run into old hook ups before and didn't give them a second thought and she most certainly didn't think about them while  lying alone in bed. 

Lust. It must be some sort of heavenly hell of unadulterated lust. 

She kept thinking about the way Danielle leant forward to look at her computer screen and the glimpse she got of all the marks that she had left behind.  What if she had grabbed her jaw and kissed her? What if she pulled her in as they shook hands? All of these 'what if's' were floating around her head when she should have just... done it. Because now Stefania knew that she was going to lay here, frustrated and getting tired of her own two fingers when she would much rather have Danielle's. 

About twenty minutes away, Danielle was animatedly talking to Jaina about what had happened to her today. And even as she told her best friend, she was trying to process the events. 

"First of all," Danielle took a sip of the wine in her glass before continuing. "I honestly think she was the best sex I've ever had.  We weren't drunk, anything from the bar had basically worn off by the time we got to hers. It was just... so good," Danielle widened her eyes as she looked at Jaina who had a very amused smirk on her face. That was a very bold statement, especially after only one night.

"Do I want to hear the details?" Jaina asked as she tucked her legs underneath her. She had to admit that she missed these late night, wine drunk conversations with Danielle whenever they wanted.

"There's a lot... of details. I might have lost count of how many times I came!" Jaina burst out laughing as Danielle aimlessly stared at the ground. "I'm not joking," Danielle said, her tone a lot more seriously. 

"Oh," Jaina sipped her wine and nodded her head. "Okay, I think I need at least some details here. How did you even end up back at hers?"

"Well, I was with Alisha and Maddi and we were just having fun. It was an honest, couple of drinks, have a little catch up and then go our separate ways because they knew about my interview today as well but then... I saw her walk in because there's a bell on the door and I was facing that way so, you know,"

"Yeah, you see the door,"

"Exactly. And she paused as she entered, ran a hand through her hair and then walked to the other end of the bar. I'm assuming she's a regular there because she was quite chatty with the bartenders. My eyes kept falling onto her. There was this energy radiating off of her that I couldn't help but be drawn to,"

"So it was lust at first sight?" Jaina questioned, wiggling her eyebrows around playfully.

"Basically yeah. But anyway, Maddi kept catching me look over so swapped seats with me so Stefania could see me a little more so props to Maddi here,"

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