Chapter 36

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"Well, we're not finished then, are we?"

Danielle rolled her eyes and let out an audibly loud groan as she balled up another piece of paper and slid it across the table. Why she was struggling so hard to write her vows, she didn't know. She thought it would be the easiest thing ever to be able to proclaim how divine Stefania is and how she is the one she wants for the rest of her life and even after that.

But looking down at the blank sheet of paper and then at the pen that had her fiancée's name engraved on it, Danielle was ready to resort to Google.

"Why is this so difficult?" She questioned aloud before letting out a deep sigh. She wondered if Stefania had begun to write her vows. Stefania probably didn't even need to, she would just be able to reel off a poetic excerpt torn from her own heart that would leave Danielle in a tearful mess. "Stefania... I love you and- no, fuck,"

Danielle knew it was a good idea to start this whilst Stefania was out of the house, she feared that she may get a little offended at the struggle. She also felt slightly bad that she wanted to ask Stefania for help.

After staring at the sheet of paper for a few moments longer, Danielle came to the wise conclusion to go and do something else for a moment, even if it was as simple as driving to Starbucks.

Jaina: Boris said he likes the name Eugene if it's a boy

Jaina: what the actual fuck

Danielle laughed quietly to herself as she read Jaina's message. She still couldn't quite believe that her best friend was pregnant. Jaina said they wanted to wait until she gave birth to find out if they have a boy or a girl, but by the sound of the ridiculous names that Boris kept suggesting, she was considering in finding out so that it would at least half.

Danielle: Awh, baby Eugene

Danielle: Eugene Kodjoe

Jaina: Stop that's awful

Danielle: Hahahhaah

Danielle had already seen some cute baby outfits she knew she was going to buy for Jaina's baby. She knew she would be asking to babysit, she was so excited. Stefania always smiled at Danielle when she would begin to ramble about babies and how cute she thinks they are and how their little laughs are the most precious thing.

"Careful, otherwise I would think you want a baby now," Stefania would say, a small smile sporting her face. Danielle would just tilt her head to the side, smile back and say maybe. She knew that was a far away prospect for them still, but there was no harm in thinking about it.

Stefania was currently having a meeting at Grey&19 as they began the transition period between her entrance and the CEO's exit, catching her up with everything she would need to know.

Stefania knew she was ready to get back into work, but physically walking into the building brought a whole other wave of emotions over her. It still looked the same, a few unfamiliar faces, but the smile of Sarah Drew sitting at her front desk hadn't changed.

"Miss Spampinato! It is so delightful to see you again!" Sarah beamed, although there was one other thought at the forefront of her mind. Herself and Danielle had kept in contact, but it was the occasional message here and there. They were overdue a very long catch up.

"As it is to see you," Stefania greeted warmly. "I am under the impression that I will need a new card issued?"

"That is correct, yes," Sarah nodded. "But that will be sorted before your first official day of return,"

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