Chapter 14

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"I don't think I can do just sex either,"

Danielle stood by the window of the main meeting room as she waited for the computer to turn on and anxiously awaited for Stefania's arrival. After their date last night, Stefania took Danielle home and kissed her on her doorstep, and even though Danielle had invited her in, Stefania graciously declined.

Danielle found herself getting lost in the memory of their date as she gazed down at the bustling streets below. The little details seemed to be standing out in her mind from the brush of their fingers as Stefania gave her the flowers, the delicateness of her hand pressed against her lower back, the nervous glances, stumbling over words. Not to mention the tenderness in the way Stefania kissed her last night. It wasn't rushed, there were no ulterior motives. It was kind of like the type of kiss you see in the movies.

Stefania thanked Danielle for a wonderful evening, who in turn returned the compliment. Then it got quiet. The sound of a door shutting in the distance. Brown eyes drifted down to Danielle's lips, then back up into blue eyes. There was a nervous energy which was odd because they'd already explored every inch of each other. This was different. Stefania took a step towards Danielle and placed her hand on her waist, Danielle took in a breath as she felt a swarm of butterflies appear in the pit of her stomach.

"Is this okay?" Stefania whispered as she leant in. Danielle barely nodded her head as she brushed their noses together then closed the gap between them. It felt different to any other kiss they had ever exchanged. Softer. Maybe even close to magical. Danielle took in a small breath then kissed Stefania again, her hand coming up to hold her face. She could feel Stefania smile into the kiss, her lips perfectly curved up in which Danielle could only describe as-

"Good morning, Danielle," The assistant jumped at the sound of Stefania's voice, clearly deeper in her daydream than she realised. Danielle turned around, her cheeks a light shade of pink as she smiled at her boss.

"Good morning, Stefania," Danielle said as she walked over to the computer and logged in.

"You look gorgeous," The blonde lowered her head as she pushed her tongue in her cheek, the butterflies making a quick reappearance. She was wearing a black shirt and a navy blue fitted skirt that stopped just below her knees, her hair tied up in a ponytail with a few loose strands framing her face.

"Gorgeous?" Danielle questioned, her eyes fixed on the computer screen for fear that if she looked up at Stefania she would start giggling like a love struck teenager.

"Yes. Gorgeous," Stefania repeated as she walked further into the meeting room. "I bought you a coffee," She announced as she placed a cardboard tray with two large cups on the nearest table. "I don't know what you usually get so I ordered you a latte and there's sugar and flavour sachets if you want," Danielle finally looked up as Stefania fiddled with the cardboard.

"You didn't have to," Danielle said as she walked over to her boss.

"Perhaps. But I wanted to," Stefania smiled as she lifted her cup out from the tray and nudged everything else towards Danielle. "I would like your usual order for tomorrow,"

"You are not buying me coffee every morning," Danielle laughed as she looked up at Stefania. "That's the opposite of what is meant to happen," The brunette nodded her head with a thoughtful look on her face. 

"All the same. What is your usual order, Danielle?"

"Sometimes I get Americano, depending on my mood I'll switch between vanilla or caramel. Other days I get a mocha with almond milk. It changes," Danielle replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh. Well in that case," Stefania handed her cup to Danielle and took back the latte. "Americano with two shots of caramel,"

"What? No, this is your one," Danielle protested as she tried to hand the hot beverage back.

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