Chapter 23

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"I think I'm falling... in love with you,"

"I'm so sad that I can't come with you," Danielle pouted from where she was laid on Stefania's bed, watching her get things ready for Optics Global. It had already been two weeks since she first found out about her nomination, and suddenly, the actual awards were two days away. "You have to send me pictures,"

"I will," Stefania replied with a smile, pausing to look at her girlfriend. "I will probably facetime you once I arrive at the hotel," 

"Good. Are you wearing your purple suit?" Danielle asked with a knowing look on her face. 

"I was actually thinking of buying a new one for the occasion," Stefania replied. "You can come with me?"


"After we finish tomorrow. It will give us around three hours, I can drive you home then drive back to work to Mr CEO. Plus, I still owe you some new dresses,"

"You don't have to," Danielle quickly dismissed, though she couldn't really think back to the memory because it was all quite hazy after Jaina went to bed. Stefania just looked Danielle up and down then laughed as she threw a bottle of moisturizer into her bag. 

"You ought to leave some of your clothes here. Prevent you from staying in your work clothes for more than you need to," Stefania said, the thought of Danielle having a place to keep her things in her house was nice to think about.

"Or is that a just ploy to get me to change?" Danielle teased, tapping her feet together. 

"Mhm, you know me so well," Stefania smiled as she walked over to Danielle, placed two fingers underneath her chin then kissed her gently. "Seriously though. I cannot keep giving you my clothes because they are all at your place and I will have nothing," Stefania was honestly running out of things to wear around the house, but perhaps that was Danielle's plan all along. 

"I'll leave you your purple suit," Stefania rolled her eyes playfully then kissed Danielle again, lingering slightly before finally straightening back up. "Have I ever told you that I really like you in that purple suit?"

"Maybe once or twice. Or fifty times," The COO ran a hand through her hair as she walked towards the door. "Come on. Let's make dinner,"

"I just need to use the bathroom first then I'll be down," Danielle said as she got off of the bed and stretched her arms up above her head.

"Okay," Stefania whispered then headed downstairs, a soft smile on her face. She was almost certain that Danielle didn't remember saying anything about love, at least she hadn't brought it up since that Friday. It was constantly playing on Stefania's mind. "I think I'm falling in love with you. Think? Surely she would-" She cut herself off with a sigh and opened her refrigerator door when she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist, though she raised an eyebrow when she realised it was a bare arm, Danielle was previously wearing a long sleeved blouse. 

Stefania turned around, her mouth dropping open when she looked to see Danielle just wearing a bra and panties, matched with a cheeky grin on her face. 

"You said you don't want me to stay in my work clothes for more than I need to," Danielle shrugged, still holding onto her girlfriend. Stefania was left speechless, dropping her hands down to the curves below her waist and happily squeezing. 

"Put this on," Stefania said reluctantly, reaching to the side of the refrigerator and handing Danielle an apron. The blonde pulled it over her head then turned around so Stefania could tie the strings up on the back. "I like this look actually," Stefania commented, holding Danielle's hand up above her head then spinning her around. 

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