Chapter 25

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"I love you too,"

Danielle stood quietly in the middle of Stefania's office as she watched her girlfriend pick up some items from her desk and place them into a large brown box. It was her last day tomorrow and Stefania thought it was best to get all of her belongings packed away now. Luckily, she didn't have many personal items kept at work so the job didn't take too long.

"Did you know I have this here?" Stefania asked, pointing to a container of pencils.

"Pencils? Yes," Danielle replied, a small smile on her face.

"No, no. Look," Danielle walked around the desk and watched as Stefania turned the container around to reveal a picture of her stuck to the back of it. Danielle wasn't even entirely sure when the picture was taken, but she was in Stefania's kitchen and her hair was messy.

"No, I did not know you have this here," Danielle gasped as she picked it up and took a closer look. "I don't even remember you taking this picture of me. Look at my hair! Ew,"

"Ew? You must be crazy," Stefania said, smiling adoringly at her girlfriend. "I think we were drunk when I took this though. When you came back to my place and we drunk a lot of wine and had sex and then I made you... what did I make you?"

"Grilled cheese," Danielle replied, filling in the blank for her.

"That was it!" Stefania laughed as she pulled the photo off of the container and then slipped it into her pocket. "But yes, that was when I took this picture," Danielle nodded her head as she leant against the desk, running her fingers along the wood.

"Do you know what surprises me?" She questioned, looking up at Stefania.

"What surprises you?"

"We've never had sex on your desk," Danielle said, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Yes, we have,"

"No, we haven't," Stefania furrowed her brow slightly as she tried to think back. "The chaise, against the window, against the door, against the wall, in your chair... I think one time you bent me over your desk briefly but we've never actually..."

"Is this you asking to have sex on my desk?" Stefania asked, an amused look on her face as she moved to stand between Danielle's legs, her hands rested on her waist. The blonde pulled her bottom lip between her teeth then nodded her head, desiring Stefania's lips pressed against her own.

"We'll barely have any time tomorrow," Danielle said quietly, widening her eyes and reaching up to twirl a strand of brown hair around her finger. She was trying not to get flustered under her girlfriend's eye but she could almost see the thoughts that were spinning around her head. 

"You make a good point," Stefania said, leaning in closer and dropping her eyes down to Danielle's lips. "Lock my door for me," The blonde quickly nodded then walked over to Stefania's office door, smiling at the satisfying noise of it clicking. She turned back around to see Stefania's eyes glued to her, roaming every inch of her body. 

"Stop looking at me like that," Danielle blushed, a small pout on her face. Stefania tilted her head to the side then held her hand out for her girlfriend, patiently waiting as she walked back over to her and laced their fingers together. 

"You know you do this every time," Stefania whispered, leaning in close, their foreheads rested together. 

"Do what?" Danielle questioned as she felt Stefania press her back against the desk. 

"You get nervous. And blush. And you fidget like how you are now," Danielle rolled her eyes because she knew Stefania was correct. 

"Yeah? Well, you... I know that you- when you-"

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