Chapter 9

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"You go think about it then and we can do this another night," 

There had been no heated make out sessions, no sneaky hook ups, no risky texts for four days. Based on their track record, this was a huge anomaly for Danielle and Stefania. Sure, there was the odd glance here and there but it hadn't gone beyond that. Stefania felt like she had to wait for Danielle to give her some sort of answer, Danielle was kind of waiting for Stefania to ask her again. And this didn't necessarily come from a place of stubbornness, but more from a place of lack of communication which was kind of ironic especially as Danielle is her assistant. It definitely wasn't for lack of not seeing each other in this case.

As the Friday working day came to the end, Danielle could say that she felt comfortable in her new job. She knew her way around the building, was becoming more acquainted with other employees and finally had her own key card. It was kind of a shame that Jessica was leaving because she couldn't really imagine sitting out there by herself all day but they had already promised to keep in contact with one another.

"It would probably be a while until we're ready to have people round at the house but expect the odd face time with me probably looking like  some sort of sleep deprived zombie covered in throw up," Danielle made a face and Jessica laughed  as she rested her hands on her stomach. "I am going to miss this place,"

"How long have you actually been working here?" Danielle asked, maybe she could get a little more insight. 

"A little bit over three years," Jessica replied. "I've seen so many people come and go, and stick around too but mainly come and go. Miss Spampinato got promoted to COO after my first year and I knew it would happen because I would always see her coming to meetings with this look of pure determination on her face. Don't be surprised if she gets CEO in the next few years,"

"Yeah, she's very driven," Danielle commented, nodding her head slowly. "Doesn't seem like she has much of a social life," The blonde slipped the comment in slyly, followed by an awkward laugh. 

"Oh see, perks of being an assistant, you hear a lot of things," Jessica lowered her voice a little and moved her chair closer to Danielle. "She had this crazy ex. I mean, crazy. I believe they were dating when she got promoted so I got to know her a bit, Camilla um, her last name began with an L. She seemed lovely to be honest but then, well I could kind of tell when they broke up because Miss Spampinato, her energy was very off. She just looked hurt and angry and then that same day, Camilla came in and was raging, absolutely raging and they were shouting in her office and Miss Spampinato never usually shouts. She doesn't need to, people just listen to her but with this girl, she was shouting. Apparently, Camilla cheated on her," 

Danielle's mouth dropped open slightly as Jessica filled her in on everything. She said that Camilla would come up at least twice a week, always causing a commotion and just giving Stefania absolute hell. 

"She did seem different in general after Camilla. She finally gave up a few months ago it dragged on for so long but Miss Spampinato seems different," Jessica paused for a moment as she thought about something. "You know what though? She's perked up again this past week or so. Comes out of her office more often," 

"Oh?" Danielle raised an eyebrow and tried to fight the smile forming on her face, but she didn't think Jessica had put together any pieces. 

"Yeah, I've noticed it a bit actually, she just has this-" Jessica trailed off when they heard Stefania's office door open and the sound of footsteps slowly making their way down the hallway until she was stood in front of them. She looked quite tired to be honest, her shirt sleeves rolled up and hair in it's usual, wavy glory as she leant against the nearest wall. "Is everything okay?"

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