Chapter 18

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"Mhm, I can't wait to have you come in my mouth,"

Jaina squealed excitedly as she ran up to her best friend and pulled her into a hug, holding her tight. Danielle wrapped her arms around Jaina and laughed, both of them feeling like it had been way too long since they had gone out together.

"I want to get drunk," Jaina stated as she pulled away.

"I want to get drunk too," Danielle exclaimed, clasping her hands together.

"Let's get drunk!" Jaina grabbed her best friends arm and led them towards the nearest bar, the same one that Danielle first met Stefania. The blonde smiled as she walked in, realising that she hadn't actually been back there since that evening.

The bar was fairly busy, seen as it was nine in the evening on a Saturday, though they were lucky enough to find a couple of vacant seats around a table which they quickly snagged.

"First round on me!" Jaina announced as she hung her jacket on the back of her chair. "What are you drinking tonight?"

"Surprise me," Danielle smiled, earning a happy nod from her best friend who quickly sauntered off to the bar. Danielle tapped her nails against the dark wood of the table then pulled out her phone, opening her chat with Stefania. Her thumbs hovered over the keyboard but decided against saying anything, tonight was about her and her best friend having a proper catch up.

"For you," Jaina beamed, placing two glasses down on the table, the liquid a murky brown colour.

"What the fuck is it?" Danielle questioned as she lifted her glass up towards the light.

"I asked for something strong," She shrugged as she smelt the liquor, trying to hide the wince at the overwhelming scent of alcohol.

"Oh, this is going to be fun," Danielle laughed as they clinked their glasses together then both took a sip. "I take it back. Not fun, not fun," The blonde waved her hand in front of her mouth as she made a face, Jaina stifling a cough.

"Mhm," She hummed sarcastically. "Just get it down,"

"You are not about to down that," Danielle gasped, her eyebrows raised as she could see Jaina psyching herself up. "Have you even-" Danielle stopped speaking as Jaina started to consume the beverage, the quantity in the glass emptying considerably fast.

"Done," Jaina gasped, slamming her glass down on the table, all with Danielle's wide eyes watching her. "Your turn,"

"I've barely had anything to eat today, I should probably pace-"

"I'll order a bowl of fries after. Now bottom's up," Jaina expectantly smiled at her best friend who rolled her eyes then brought the glass up to her lips.

"I can't stand you," Danielle muttered before expertly drinking every last drop then pushing the glass away from her while Jaina cheered.

"Ah! See, there's a reason that we are best friends," Jaina grinned as she stood up. "I'll put in the order for the fries, you don't throw up,"

"No promises," Danielle replied, her eyes squinted at Jaina. She cleared her throat as she watched Jaina moving about at the bar, her face falling when she turned around holding two shots. "They are not fries," Danielle deadpanned as Jaina handed her a small glass.

"The fries are being made. So in the meantime..."

"We're both lightweights," Danielle pointed out as she lifted her glass.

"Like I said, this is why we're best friends," They both took their shot which was much more bearable than the previous drink. "There! Not so bad," Jaina smiled, stacking their glasses.

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