Chapter 13

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"She needs me to go upstairs. I'll catch up with you later,"

Danielle and Stefania quietly stood in the elevator as it rose to floor thirty one, neither speaking as they stepped out. Stefania patiently waited for Danielle to set everything down on the front desk then told her to follow her through to her office, which she obediently did.

"Take a seat," Stefania said, beckoning to the chaise which she sat down upon only after her assistant became situated. The COO sat on the edge of the piece of furniture, her hands placed on her knees which she ran back and forth. Was she nervous? That's what Danielle deduced it to. "I would like to apologise,"

"Oh?" Danielle crossed one leg over the other as she watched Stefania expectantly, she kind of expected to be up against a wall by now.

"I apologise for being so sharp with you. I have been struggling to figure out the direction of my feelings, which I tend to avoid, leading to me believe that is why my temper has been so short and abrupt," Stefania remained with her eyes trained on the floor. She could talk in front of rooms of hundreds with the confidence of an egotistical white man who thinks he's priceless, but sitting in her office trying to speak to Danielle about her feelings? Stefania felt small.

"That's okay," Danielle said softly, scooting over so that she was closer to Stefania. "Have you... been able to figure your feelings out?" She asked, even though that same question was lingering in the back of her own mind.

"Surely I should be asking you the same thing," The COO countered, taking a pause. "Can I take you out to dinner tonight?" Stefania mustered the courage to finally look at Danielle, the nerves slowly beginning to pass.

"To dinner? Like in a restaurant?" Danielle questioned slowly, her head tilted to the side.

"Yes. In a restaurant," Stefania confirmed as she began to fiddle with her fingers. "After we finish today," The blonde remained quiet for a moment as she pondered the offer. This could be the deciding factor for her.

"Okay. You can take me out for dinner tonight. I don't want to wear my work clothes though,"

"Why not? You look beautiful in this colour," Stefania complimented, her confidence creeping back in as she took hold of one of Danielle's hands.

"Not nervous anymore?" The blonde teased as she laced their fingers together.

"I do not get nervous," Stefania stated, though she dropped her eyeline back to the floor.

"Are you sure about that, Stefania?" Danielle asked as she leant in closer, her bright eyes staring intensely.

"Don't make me rethink my offer," The COO shot back, squinting her eyes at Danielle who simply smiled at her. "Stop that," Stefania groaned as she stood up, dropping Danielle's hand in the process.

"Stop what?" Danielle questioned innocently as she watched her boss walk over to her desk.

"You know what," Stefania sighed, rubbing her chin. "I am still your boss in here, Danielle,"

"That essentially means nothing right now," Danielle began as she stood up and slowly walked to Stefania who was cursing her every step she took. She figured she could have a bit of a power play here. "Because you... Stefania," Danielle whispered as she leant forward, pausing just centimetres from Stefania's face. "Are wrapped around my little finger,"

"Is that so?" Stefania questioned as she moved towards the edge of her chair, voice low. She couldn't deny that she liked this side of Danielle. Perhaps that was why she was also so attracted to her, Danielle was a challenge and Stefania never backed down from a challenge. "Because last time I checked, I had you completely at my mercy," Brown eyes dropped down to parted lips then back up to Danielle's eyes.

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