Chapter 15

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"I'll see you tomorrow, Danielle,"

Stefania tried to calm herself as she blankly stared at her computer screen. One of their top clients, TekRem, had just pulled out of a deal they were about to sign for and that left her mind scrambling to fill the position by the end of the week. Which gave her just over two days. It made it slightly worse that the retraction came so last minute, however due to the lack of official paperwork being filed, the company had every right to withdraw. This just made everything a tad more complicated for Stefania although it did free up her afternoon as the scheduled meeting would no longer be needed to go ahead.

The COO found herself gazing aimlessly at her computer, not a single productive thought making it's way through her mind. She ran a hand through her hair and let out an irritated sigh before remembering that she had to also cancel the meeting otherwise she'd have a floor full of people for no reason. Stefania was about to send a message to Danielle with the request but then realised it would be much greater to make a quick trip down the hallway. At least that would get her out of the gloominess of her office for a minute or two.

Stefania slowly walked down the hallway, hands behind her back. She could just about hear the faint sound of Danielle typing on the computer. The COO paused just in view of Danielle, the slight smile on her face an indication that she had recognised Stefania's presence. Stefania patiently waited until Danielle had finished whatever she was doing, but she didn't mind just watching her for a moment.

"How may I be of assistance?" Danielle asked with a smile as she finally looked up at Stefania, the waves in her hair perfectly framing her face. Stefania seemed mesmerised for a moment as she seemingly got lost in Danielle's eyes. So calming.

"TekRem pulled out. I need you to cancel the meetings we had scheduled," A look of surprise rose on Danielle's face.

"They did?" She questioned as she opened up the schedule on the computer.

"Mhm," Stefania hummed as she walked over to Danielle and sat in the vacant chair next to her. "Annoyingly so," She picked up a pen and fiddled with it while Danielle typed out the cancellation.

"Do you have a potential replacement?" Stefania looked up at the ceiling as she thought.

"Maybe. I have to go over some things,"

"So you've decided to sit with me?" Danielle questioned teasingly as she turned to look at Stefania. "While your time restraints are suddenly much more confined and you only maybe know what you're going to do, you have made the decision to sit here, playing around with a pen?" Stefania pulled her bottom lip between as she stared at her assistant, the cheeky grin that Danielle had on her face made it impossible to even pretend to be offended.

"Fine. I shall leave," Stefania announced as she stood up but quickly felt a hand on her arm, pulling her back down into the chair.

"Maybe you can stay for a little longer," Danielle said quietly as she leant in, her eyes wide. The COO also leant in so their faces were merely centimetres away.

"Just for a little," Stefania whispered, her eyes very visibly dropping down to Danielle's lips. "If that's what you want," The assistant smiled shyly as she quickly kissed Stefania, though she was slightly puzzled when her boss started to pout.

"What?" Danielle asked as she sat up straight.

"Too quick," Stefania replied, letting her shoulders drop. Danielle rolled her eyes then reached up to press her hand to the side of Stefania's face and bring her in for a longer kiss. The brunette managed to move closer in her chair to Danielle, their lips still moving together. Stefania could imagine that if it wasn't for the noise of the elevator, they would have ended up in her office, preferably with a lack of clothes. However they slowly pulled away just as the doors opened and Barrett stepped out, immediately eyeing up the two.

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